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Show 212 A DIALOGUE. },f1•. F. \Vorsc and 1yoTsc, my nephew and namesake a theatre-goer . .Jir. D. (In an under tone.) Namesake! "that's the unkiudest cut of all." Ptank. Not exactly a theatre-goer, uncle, though I confess I might be, were the performance always ns excellent as last evening. Mi·s. Goodman. l?runk, my son, I hope thee will not attempt to drink from a dirty pool because a pure stream flows into it. Frank. But the mnk and file of Democracy drank deep libations to Liberty there, mother. . Ur. D. (Passing his cup.) "Drink deep or taste not of the Pierian spring.n Mr. P (Sm'Ciu!lically.) 'l'akc care, you'll be found using tl.te products of slave labor! F,·ank. (Jocosely.) "Think how ronny backs hnvc smarted, For the sweets," &;c. 'l.'akc a bit of toast, Mr. Dryman, our northern pro· ducts arc p01fcctly innocent, you know? .Mr. D. (llelping himself bountifully.) "Ask no questions for conscience's sake.'' A DIALOGUE. 213 .Mt. P The practice of you Northerners is consistent with you: profcs3ions. },fr. D. " Consistency, thou art a jewel P' Franlc. It is very l1ard to be consistent in this world, uncle. l\Iy mother once made a_ resolution to usc nothing pollutecl by Intemperance or Oppression, but finding that it required her to take constant thought "wktt we should cat and drink, and where~ withal we shoulcl be clothed," she was fain to relax her discipline. .Jirs. G. Frank, thee must not transcend the truth in thy mirthfulness . Frank \V ell, mother, did not some experiment of tl1e kincllead to the conclusion, that I might exercise my freedom in worldly amusements? .Jirs. G. Yes, my son, but thy enthusiasm about the theatre makes me fear I have gone beyond my light . .Jir. l•c (Bitterly.) Never fcm·, sister, the young man will soon prove that Abolition Societies ancl 'l'hcatrcs arc admirable schools of morals. Frank. Uncle Tom at least has a good moral, ancl so has William Tell and Pizarro-indeccl I do notremember of ever r-eading a play which hac! not. Mr. P (In a tone of irony.) When I see a young |