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Show 270 ON FREEDOM. Caught from their letters at the noon-day spring\ YiLh star-eyed science, and her seraph trnin Head the bYight secrets of yon nzurc plain; Hear J...~oxian murmurs in RhoUo1phc's caves·:.:· :Meet with sweet answers from the nymph-voiced waves; Sit with the pilot at Phoonicia's helm, And mark the boundrics of the I"y l.Jian realm; Sec swurlliJ Mcmnon in 1l1c gmvc ,]cbatc, Dispute ·with gods, and rule a conqu,ring slate, And. ·warmly and kindling dare-yo~, dare to hope, A second Empire on the future's scope! And thou, my country, latest l.Jorn of time! Dearest of all, of all the most sublime\ llow long shall patriots own, with blush of shame, So foul a blot upon so fair a name? llow long thy sons with filial hearts deplore, A Python evil on thy Cyprean shore? • "!I car Loxia1t murmurs in Rodolphc's caves." J~oxinn is a name ft·cqucntly given to Apollo by Grcc~ writer~: and is met ·with, more thun once, in the" Chccphorro of Eschylus. -Can1pbcll. . . Euripides mentions it three times, and Sophocles tw1cc, ~t9 euphony recommends it moro than any other name of U1e frur· haired god. ON FRJ£EDOM. What! and wilt thou, the moral llerculcs \Vhosc youth eclipsed the dream of Pericles, Whose truncen.nt bands hcroicn11.r caught, '!.'he Spartan phalanx with tl10 Attic thought, rrllc \vizan.l throne of age-nursed error hurled, Defied a tyrant aml tronsG.xed a worlcl I \Yilt thou sec Afric like olcl Priam sue, rrhc bones of ehilJrcn as in nature Uuc, And fouliy craven, ingrate-like forget, 'l.'hy life, thy learning'.• "trr diol.tonoreJ debt? Say; wilt not ·71 u, I\ H :c time-ennobling sons' Phy J ay'e, thy Franklin's and thy \Yashington's, Caught the bright cestus from fair freedom's God, And bound it as a girdle to thy sod; Ah! wilt not thou with generous mind confess 'Pbc might of woe, the strength of helplessness ? IIigh-IIeavcn's almoner to a world oppressed, Who in the marci1 of nations led the rest ! ·:> \"\'"ill there no Gracchus in thy Senate stand 211 Ancl speak the words that millions should command? Ko Clysthemcnthc 'neath thy hroad arched dome, PrcJ iet the fortunes with the crimes of Rome ? • "And in tho march of nations led the van." Campbell. |