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Show 264 ON FREEDO)f. And venturous nations more excursive grown, Scan l1is glad coast from radiant zone to zone, TLcn Fortune's minion in a foreign clime, Cursed by his own and damned to later lime, or incest born and by the chances thrown A tainted alien on a raYished tLrone, Gapes the foul flatteries of a fa.wning train, And fatuous mock'rics, " ·bich themselves disdain, A fanci ed monarch, but the wi tless sport Of adulation, and a practiced court, Vaunts to his broad realms and 'rimo1u-likc proclaims Illusi vc titles of barbaric names, Cheats his own nature, and now generous grown,* Coiumbus six years before, drew the n.tlcntion of nll E1n·ope. Whole 11ntions became actuated by l.hc snmc enthusinsm, nnd pl'in1.tC com· panics of mct·chants sent out whole fleets on voyngcs of discovery, scouring the cnti1·c coast from Cape VcrO to Gnudfui, and discovc1·· ing th~ Mnscharenhas and most of the islands of the Ethio~)C:tn Archipelago. • "Cheats his own nntnrc nnd now genc1·ous grown, Dispenses rc:1lms and empires not his own." ('l1:nlcs V. granted n patent to one of hi.~ Ficmishfa.vorilf.', contaiuing nu exclusive ri ;;;ht to import four thousand negroes !-Jlist. H1m·rr!f. , The crime of hnYin~ first •·ceommendcll the impot·lntion of Afncnu sl~t,.C., into Amct·il·~\, i.~ d re to t/11~ Fienli.~!t ttobili(r•, who oht:Jincrla motn)poly of four thou!lnlld n<'~t·oe;;, which they P.old to some Gcnoe;: c tncrcltnuls for :!.'i,tiOO dtH'nls.-L{(c of Cardinal ~l"iutme8. They (tile Gcuocse) were the fin;t to l)J'iJtg into a regular form, ON FREEDO~r. Dispenses souls and empires not his own, Draws the deep purple round his royal r.ea!, Lifts his low crest, affects the God complete, By giving with light breath, oh, sllamc to tell! These heirs of lleav'n unto the fate· or hell. Sped by the mand:\tc of his 1·ecrcont tt-ain, Lo l commerce, broJ.d wingc(l sonph of tho main! Shook her white plurn:tgc nnd coqucting, lYOn. Propitious fa\·ors from the southern sun, '!'ill manly hcuJ·ts oncl keel-impcl:ing goles, Furled on the coast her half. reluctant soil3. Abnsh~d, nmuzcd, with fear-dilated eye 265 The mnn·elling tribo3 these new-born wonders spy ; Sec from the shore, bright g1ittcring in the sun, 'l,hc moving frcightagc of each galleon; \Vait till the mcasureJ strokes of o:tr.s bring ne.lr 'rhesc way-lost wa.ndcrcr.s of anoth:::r sphere, ':rhcn timorously glad, yet awe-struck still, Lead from the sunshine to the breezy hill; 'Vith courteous grace a resting place :-:s~ign 'Neath rustling le::tves and grape-empurplcd vine, thnt commerce for s!n,·c:;., between Africn. nnd Amcri~n. which ha3 since g1·own to such au amazing extcnt.-Robcttson, 12 |