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Show Cf,xtntct from an un~nbliZQfO ltorm Olt ~nco om. OH, Freedom I when thy morning march began, Coeval with the birth and breath of man ; Who that could view thee in that Asian clime, God.born, soul·nursed, the infant heir of timeWho that could see thee in that Asian court, Flit with the sparrow, with the lion sport, Talk with the murmur of the babbling 1·ill And sing thy summer song upon the hill- Who that could know thee as thou wast in wrought The all in all of nature's primal thought, And see thee given by Omniscient mind, ~ \_ native boon to lord, and brute, and wind, Could e'er have dreamed with fate's prophetic sleep, 'l'he darker lines thy horoscope \rould keep, Or trembling read, thro' tones with horror thrilled, 'l'he damned deeds thy future name wo11ld gild? O N FREEDQ)[. 257 Lo! The swart chief of Afric's vcrgclcss plains, Poor Ilcaven·wcpt child of nature's joys and pains, Mounts his fleet steed with wincl·directcd course, Nor checks again his free unbridled horse, But lordlcss, wanders where his will inclines From T11ats heats to Zcgzcg's stunted pines I View him, ye craven few, yc 1i ving-dcad t Wrecks of a being whence the soul bas fled I Y e Goths and Vandals of his plundered coast I Ye chl-isticm Bondous, who of feeling boast;• Who quickly kindling to historic fire Contemn a Marius' or a Scylla's irc,t ~ "Ye Christian Bondo1u who of feeling boMt \" Unuble in the whole mngc of my vct·oacnlar, to fiml fill cpithrot suflicit•ntly expi'Cllsive to cr~unciatc lhe nggravat cli c"ntcmpt wilich nil fed for that pseudonymous class of pililanthroph;ts, wl10 fiaunLin!{ly pa•·adc 1\ pompous ~ympatl•y with popular and diillant dii!lrc~scs, but studiously cul!i\•ate a cu:tr!!JJ iguorancc of, nnd haut eur to, the Gre\:ks, which ''are at the tlww," I h:we had r('cource to the illt'tonymy, Bon(Wu, ns J"eru.lered mom·Hfully eignificallt through the melancholy fa le of the illustrious Iluughtt~n.-Vide R eport .Africaa Dtscovery Sucit"ty. t "Contemn a l!f:L!·ius' or a Scylla's i1·c." Napoleon iu his prolcst to Lord Bathm·st, prov"khl by the pelLy tynmny of Sir Hudson !~owe, said of the •· Proscdptinns,'' ami (Uy negative infl·rcnec) i111·xlcmnltiun of them, that they ''w~'re tnade willt the blood.'tetfre.-h upo1t lhi! R1oord." A ~<C!Jlcncc, whicl•, f:dli11~ fi•J)JH !h\' lips of one of the most inqJC'J·tw·bJlbly cuol nnd cakulatin~of mnnkind. Ullrlel · circutn!!l:lnccs supe1·inducing pcrulinl' n•fl(·cti•m on cv<'ry wo1·J uttcreJ, cnuuoL lluL come with the fvrcc of a whole v•>lumc of cxc01·ia.- |