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Show 58 VINC~N'l' Oaic The glorious day beyond the grave, Which knows no master-own~ no slave. And tlwrc, too, arc the rack-the whccl' 11hc torturing scrC\\·-thc piercing stccl,Grim powers o[ dcnth all crusted o'er \Vith other Yictiws' Glottml gore. Frowning they :-;tand, auJ. in their cold, Silent solemnity, unfold '11lte strong one's triumpll o'er the we.tk' l'hc awful gman-tltc n.ngui:-;lwd sluickrL'Jw UIICOn~cious muit'ringz; of <lcspair' rhc strainctl cycboll's idiot slarc- 'l'hc ltopclcs3 clench-the qniv'ring framc' rltc martyr's death-the despot's shame. 'l'hc rack-the tyranlr---victi<n,-all Arc gathered in that J udgmcnt Hall. Draw we the vciJ, for 'tis a sight But fr icuUs can gaze ou with delight. The sunbeams on the rack tiJat pby, For HU<klcn terror flit aw,1y From this drc~U. work of war and death, As angels Uo with q uickcnc<l bn':tth, From some dark deed of dcvp: "t sin, Ere they kwc drullk it.~ Rpirit iJJ. VrNC~N·r Oak. ., ., .. ·• * -X· * No mighty host with banners flying, Seems fim·eer to a conquered foe, Than did those gallant heroes dying, rro t1wse who g1o::ttecl o'er their woe;Grim tigers, who have seized their prey, Then tnrn and shrink abashed away; And, coming back and crouching nigh, Quail 'neath the flashing of the eye, \Vlueh tells that though the life has started, 'rhe will to strilm has not departed. * ·X· ·Y.· -:t Sad was your fate, heroic baud I yet mourn we not, for yours' the stand Which will sccnre to you a fame, That never dicth, and a name That will, in coming ages, be A sicmal word for Liberty. Upo: the slave's o'crclonded sky, Your gallant actions traced tbc bOIV, \Vhich whispered of dcliv'rancc nighrl1be mcec1 of one decisive blow. Thy coming fame, Og6! is sure; Thy name with that of L'Ouvertnrc, * 59 |