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Show 220 A DIALO GUE. mm. cl, w1. tb ou t b c.m g w rou!Tht out·into a fact, weakens o . tho moral sense; thus P'oplc may read tl\0 best of Uooks, n.ncl witness the finest exhibitions of moral beauty, and const:.mtly retrograde in virtue. 1'hc Jissolutc characters of pbycTs, who continually utter the loftiest sentiments, and practice the lowest vices, nrc ncconntcd for on this prlnciplc; and we ought to judge the theatre n~ we do slavery, by its demoralizing effect upon those engaged in jt. ,JJI-. J•: Do ) otl mean to say, Hcbecca, that slave· holJing has tl10 same cifcct upon me that stagc·phy· ing bas upon the actor? JJfrs. G. Well, brother, I put it to tby own con sci· cncc. Docs thee not, daily, in dealing with thy sbrcs, stifle thy emotions of piety, generosity, and love, ancl )sit not easier to do thi:J now than it was twenty yrars ago, when, with a heart full of tenderness nn<l truth, thee left us for thy southern home? Jir. F. (Rising ancl pacing the ,·oom with great agi· tation .) Now, sister, you arc going to introduce an· other absurdity ! Do I practice the principles learned in the nursery? No, I do not! Do I believe" honesty is the best pol icy " an<l its kimlrod ]tUm bugs? Oi comsc I don't! S~ow me t~c ruan who doc;? Do I A DIALOGUE. 221 followtbc precepts of the sermon on the Mount? Not I! 'l'hc man who should undertake to do so woulll make himself a perfect laughing-stock I should like to sec one of your northern hypocrites attempt it. IIa ! ha.! ha! ''Lay not up treasure upon cartl1, ., and "take no thought for tbc morrow;" why, 'rhat else do people take thought for, either North or South? It is not what they shall cat, drink, or wear to day, that worries them, bLlt how they shall by up something for themselves or their children hereafter. You sil1y1Yomcn arc alway~ talking about righteousness, as if you rca11y thought it coulU. enter in human plans, but we men of the wor1d, who have to wring the precious dollar ff'Om the harcl hand of labm·, know better ! I tell you, llebceea, I don't believe there is a Uusincs.'5-man in your pious Quaker city even, who would dare acquaint his wife anU. dauglltcrs wHh all his 1lttlc arrangcmcnt3 for amassing wealth. ITa! hn.! ha I IIow the pretty things woulcl stare at the tricks of t11C ir.tdc, and simper: " Is that right?" As though anyboJy thought business principles were gospel principles! As though they expected a man was going to love l1is neighbor as himself, when he was making a bargain with him I It provokes me to |