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Show 12 TrrE CoLoRED PEOPLE'S set up by a hypocritical Church, a Sham Democracy, or a corrupt public sentiment, and to substitute in their stead the simple and beautiful doctrine of a common brotherhood. lie would elevate every creature by abolishing the hindcranccs and checks imposed upon him, whether these be legal or social-and in proportion as such grievances are invidious and severe, in such measure does he place himself in the front rank of the battle, to wage his emancipating war. Therefore it is that the Abolitionist has come to be considered the especial friend of the negro since he of all others, has been made to drink deep f;om the ~up of oppression. The free-colored man at the ,north, for his bondbrother as for himself, has trusted hopefully in the increasing public sentiment, which, in the multiplication of these friends, has made his future prospects brighter. And, to-day, while he is making a noble st<ugglc to vindicate the claims of his entire class depending mainly for the accomplishment of that' end on his own exertions, he passes in review the devotion and sacrifices made in his behalf: gratitude is in his heart, and thanks fall fran. his lips. But, in one de- "INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE." 13 partment of reformatory exertion he feels that he has been ncglecteJ. lie has seen his pledged allies thro1v themselves into the hottest of the battle, to fight for the Abolition of Capital Punishment-for the Prollihition of the Li'luor Traffic-for the Rights of ·women, and similar rcforms,-but he has failed to sec n. corresponding earnestness, according to tlJC inf1ucncc of Abolitionists in tl1c business world, in opening the av('nues of industrial labor to the proscribed youth of the land. This work, therefore, is evidently left for himself to do. And he has bid his powers to the task 'l'hc record of his conclusions was gi\·en at Rochester, in July, and bas become already a part of history. 'l.'hougL shut out from the workshops of the country, he is determined to make sc1f-provifl.ion, so as to triumph over the spirit of caste that would keep l1im degraded. The utility of the Industrial Institution he would erect, must, he believes, commend itself to Abolitionists. But not only to them. The verdict of less liberal minds bas been given already in its favor. 'l.'hc usefulness, the self-respect and sclf-depcndcncc,the combination of intelligence and handicrafL,-thc accumulation of the materials of wealth, all referable |