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Show 268 ON FREEDO'(. Glads his freed conscience at each pillaged mine, And finds forgi vencss at n. Christian slninc ; By epccious creeds and sophists darkly taught;'' 'l'o semble virtue and dissemble thought,· \Vith Saviour-seeming smile, adds f11cl to the flamc,Ulysscs' craft, without Ulysses' ai.m,- And sadly faithf11l to his dark designs, Fiction improves; heroic rage refines; For lo! Achilles, victOl" of tlJC train! Draws llcctor lifeless, mnnd the Dian plain; But ah ! these btcr Greeks more cruel strive, And hind their victim to the load alive I Oh, beats there, lleaven, beneath thy gorgeous blue, One heart so basely to itself u:1tr11e, So dead of pulse, and so insensate grown, It feels not such a cause dear as its own? • "By specious creeds and sophists darldy taught." Tinmlct's advice to his offending mother;- "Assume n virtue, tho' you have it not.." Adding hypocrisy to avowed unworthiness, wns the nckno~l.edgcd injunction of the clmrch, wherever and whenever she pnrt.ICIJ~nted in secular affairs, with a view of emolument. }'or a p~culmr Jllu.s· trntion of this bvorite doctrine, see Clement VT.'s ed1ct, wheu, ~ll vil·tuc of the right arrogated by the holy sec lodi:poseof all cou1l~nes belonging to the hcathe11, he erected (134-4) tl1c Canaric_s into a ki~Jg· dom, and disposed of them to Lewis de la Corda, o. pnnee of Castile. ON FnEEDOM. Dwells there a being 'neath thine eye, oh, God ,· . A fellow-worm from out the self-same clod, IV1tosc fevered blood docs not impatient boil, Pierce as a tiger';:; in the hunter's toil, To sec degenerate men and States prolong, So foul a deed-so thrice aecursccl a wrong? '!.'ell me, yo lond-voicecl winc.ls that ceaseless roll, Eternal miracles from pole to pole, Breathes there on caTLh so vile and mean a thing rl'hat crushed, it 'vill not turn ngaiu and sting? . And say ! yc tyrants in your boasted halls, llcad yc no warnings on your darkened walls? IIcaT yc no seeming muttering:; of the cloud 269 Break from the millions wl ticlt your steps have bowccl? rrhink yc, yo hold in your ignoble thrall, Mind, Raul, thought, taste, hope, feeling, valor, aU? No ; these unfettered scorn your nerveless band, Sport at their will, and scoff at your command, Hauge through arcades of shadow-brooding palms, Suulr their free airs and breathe their lloat[ng balms, Or bolder still, on fancy's fwry wing-·::· • "Or boiJcr still on fancy's fiery wing." 'Ihut I do not cxuggcralc the belie lcllrcs nnd classicul uccomplishmculs of ut least two of the "chattel~:~" of the "peculiar iustit.utiou," in the lines followin~ the nboYc, seo "Poems w1·ittcn by Rosa and Muria," property of ~outh Cnroliun, and published in 1834. |