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Show 266 And led by craft in m·tlcss pride make known 'rho lustrous 1urcm0nts of their gorgeous zonr, J\ _s in the ficlcl some skilful ranger sets rrhc fr[tuclful corJugc of his specious nets, Places some fragrant viand in the snare, ..A .. ncl captive takes tl1c unsuspicious lw.rc ; So the bo1J strangers with superior will J;::ty their base plans with disingenuous ski11, Ope their stored treasures and with art dispby Their worthless figments to the air of day, Roll their large lids, and with grave gestures laud Each tinsel trinket and each pointed gaud ; With mystic signs of strange import apply Some gew-gaw bn.ublc to the gloating t::ye; 'l'ouch with nice skill, yet craft-dissembled smile, Gems from the mine ancl spices from the Isle, Affect no care, yet lwpe a tlnifty sale- The wealth of Empires in th' oppo::>ing scalc\ Vhile he, the poor victim of their selfish crceil, Prescient of evil :ut foredoomed to bleed, Pleas. d yet alarmed, ilcsixing but clctcrrccl, Flutters still nearer like a snake-charmed bird; Alos, too often taken with a toy- Too soon to weep a kindred fate with 'l'roy 1 ON FREEDO~!. Evils received, like twilight stars dilate, The less the light, the larger grows their state; Thus the first error in that savage air, Spreads as a flame, and leaves a ruin there. ':roo clearly generous and too ·warmly true,·:<· 'l'he simple black wears out the fatal elew,lfrom barter fl ics to trade ; from trade to wants; From wants to interests and derided haunts; 'l'hencc, rolls from o(f the oncc-scqucstcrecl shore, 'J.1hc turgid tide of havoc and of waT; No warning Tinging from tho reel adunes, No prophets rising, and no Laocoons, Remotest tribes the baleful influence own; Feel to extremes, ::mel at their centres groan. 267 Now laughs the stranger aL their anguished throes,t Feeds on their ills, and battens on their woes; • "Too warmly gencrou~ and dearly true, 'l'hc simple blo.ck," kc. It will remain nn indelible reproach on thcnnmo of Enropenn~, that for more thnn three centuries their intercourse with tho Af1·icnns l!t!S only tcudcd to dcst1·oy thci1· happiness and debase their charnctcr.-Edin. Ency. t "Kow luughs tho stranger at their anguished throes." 'l:he 01:ts of ~he slnvc-m~rch:mt have inflamed tho hostility of thc1r varwus trJbcs, and hcJghtcncd their ferocity by sedulously increasing their wars.-/bid. |