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Show 302 A DAY SPENT A'l' with which he bcg:-tn his career, and a commentary on the Gospels, which he had written with great cam, for the usc of his grandson. Jiis seal attracted my alton· tion-it was that knccllng figure, of the negro, with ClaRpCd hands, which WaS at first adopted aS the bad;;c of the cause, w1wn every means was being made usc of to arouse the public miml and keep the subject before the attention. Mr. \V edgewood, the celebrated proccbin manufacturer, designed a. cameo, with this representation, which was much worn as an ornament by ladies. It was engraved on the seal of the AntiSlavery Society, and was used by its members in scaling all their lcttcre. 1'his of Clarkson's was hand· somcly engraved on a large, old-fashioned cornc1ian, and surely if we look with emotion on the sword of a departed hero, which,. at best, we can consider only as a necessary evil, we may look with unminglcd pleasUJ·c on this memorial of -a bloodless victory. When I rctil·cd to my room for the night I could not but feel that the place was hallowed-unceasing pmyer had the>c been offered for the enslaved and wronged race of Africa by that noble and brotherly heart. I could not but feel that that those prayers had had a wider reach than the mere extinction of PLAYFORD IlALL. 303 slavery in one land or country, and that their benign iniTucncc would not cease till not a slave was left upon the face of the earth. |