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Show ¦:v^->- 4.'f**"]i^^i^M.r "->¦:'__JAndersonThurmanSundhCoppockJensenFROSH DEBATEAn unprecedented year in Freshman debate was this season on the University of Utah campus. Twenty-five members of the freshman class competed for places on the squad. Every applicant was so capable that the final selection was made with great difficulty. Those chosen included four women: Dorothy Sundh, Lucy Rigby, Verna Berg, Editha Ra}f, and the following men: Sam Thurman, Melvin A. Jensen, Raymond Jones, Paul Badger, Kelly Ryan, Morris Guss, Philip Christensen, Kelvin Baldwin, Dave Coppock, Omar Bunnel, and Garff Anderson, debate manager.Several practice debates were held with Weber College. The main event of theyear was the Rocky Moun-t a i n Junior College D e-bate Tournament that was held on this campus March sixth. The League is composed of Ricks College, Albion Normal, Westminster, Dixie,t, , „ Branch Agri-r rank Hose °Debate Momager cultural Col-lege, and the Utah Freshmen. The Frosh were successful in the division competition, defeating Westminster College in two decision contests. In the finals they met Albion Normal and Branch Agricultural College. In both meets they were victorious, and for the first time in the history of the University of Utah Freshmen debaters became champions. The question discussed was: "Resolved that the nations of the world should adopt the policy of free trade." Melvin Jensen, Lucy Rigby, and Omar Bunnel participated in the league finals.On March thirteenth two teams met in Pocatello and debated the free trade question in a non-decision contest. Dorothy Sundh, Editha Ray, Melvin Jensen, and Verna Berg, chaperoned by Miss Marion Redd, made the trip. Melvin Jensen, Sam Thurman, and Paul Badger, accompanied by Frank Rose, coach, travelled to Southern Utah to meet Dixie College to participate in a dual, non-decision debate on the free trade question. Ricks College, on April sixth, sent representatives here to debate the same question. Omar Bunnel and Melvin Jensen represented the University.Freshman debate coach, Frank Rose, has been very enthusiastic over the results attained by the group. These debaters will make a fine nucleus around which to build a varsity squad next year. |