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Show Sermon to SororitiesBy Parson Parsons.In the course of right, lo, interspersed hither and thither, are little wrongs. "Tis of such wrongs I speak. Sisters, give me just hearing lest thy wrongs undo thee.For when Moses listed the ten command-mends, ah, then came words easy to hear, harder to understand and impossible to obey. But you, Sorority girls are impossible anyway, so give me full hearing. To the impossible all things are impossible so, knowing full well of thy difficulties, herein shall I set forth not hard commandments nor irksome tasks, but no, rather a primer course, easy even for the unenlightened, facile for the weak, a course of commandments for you all.You are said to be smart because you make dates with the fraternity boys aril spend their hard-earned money like water; because you are serious when }rou shouldn't be and not serious when you should; because }tou fall in love readily and fall out again with even greater ease; because you are so complex that no one can understand you and you are so simple that no one with brains would want to. You are said to be clever because you echo the latest wisecracks and are elusive, and because you can keep six or seven striplings interested in you-the latter number if you do not rest on the Sabbath.So for the correction of thy ways, most charming women; that }7e may still be clever and smart, but not so clever and so smart as to be unenduring, pause for a moment and scan the following:It is meet that }re scoff heartily at the parlor rat, if he be nothing more than a rat of the drawing room.'Twould be well to be not too alluring but to maintain in a reserve so that when the novelty is exhausted for the many you may still have something left for the few.'Twere better ye set not too gay a pace, lest, ere the dawn of the song of songs, ye be fagged. Nor need ye be old fashioned, for that will surely crush you.Play ye not more than half of six suitors at one time lest ye become stale and they sicken.Be yet not too backward nor too forward so that always ye may be fair to look upon, interesting in discourse and lasting in thy ways.VIRGIN DIAMONDSBeautiful and DependableGraduationandWedding GiftsSalt Lake's Authorized DealerforVIRGIN DIAMONDSCash or TermsENSENS-lEWELERS71 MAIN ST. |lj EST. 187 54At Fife's ELKRIDGE SUITSNotably Fine Clothing for Young Men$38.50Including Extra Trousers or KnickersW. E. FIFE CO.170 MAIN STREETThat good sweater you deserve can just as well be furnished by your home manufacturers who support your school through taxes. Reciprocate by insisting that your knitted athletic requirements be made at theSalt Lake Knitting Works270 West 1st North368 |