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Show ^«HB^ SBoyden Fisher Skid'more ChristensenNicholas Bunker Bates CohneRiceWOMEN'SThis year the women's debate squad participated in dual, triangle, and split team debates with many colleges. The complete squad included Cecelia Cohne, Max-ine Boyden, LaVon Bates, and Virginia Nicholas, who were veteran college debaters, and Florence Christensen, Nan Randolph, Zella Skidmore, Jane Rice, and Helen Bunker. Mr. Laverne Bane acted as the faculty coach for the women during the entire year, and Frank Rose held the position of student manager.The annual dual debate with Brigham Young University was the first encounter of the season. The question involved was: "Resolved that the State of Utah should adopt a system of Junior Colleges." The affirmative was upheld by Cecelia Cohne, Florence Christensen, and Jane Rice. Max-ine Boyden, Virginia Nicholas, and Helen Bunker defended the negative. B. Y. U. won both contests.DEBATE"Resolved that the nations of the world should adopt the policy of free trade," was the subject for debate between the University of Utah and Colorado State Teachers' College. It was a non-decision debate with Cecelia Cohne and Jane Rice for the affirmative. The women's squad from the University of California met LaVon Bates and Helen Bunker in a non-decision debate on our campus. The question was: "Resolved that the United States should provide unemployment insurance." Both teams did commendable work. Jane Rice and Helen Bunker represented the red and white in California, meeting groups from the University of Southern California, and from Occidental College. Utah's representatives did excellent work and helped create a favorable inter-collegiate attitude. |