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Show 644 MR. CALDWELL ON THE ZOOLOGY OF RODRIGUEZ. [Dec. 7, bright dark cinnamon-rufous; quills brownish black, narrowly margined externally with rufous brown; two middle tail-feathers dark rufous brown, remainder brownish black with broad cinnamon-rufous tips. Long. alae. caud. culm. tars. c. 7" 4" 3" 74/" 11'" Hab. Ponape, Seniavin group (Kubary). 4. MYIAGRA PLUTO, sp. nov. Uniform black, with greenish metallic reflections, especially on the head; bill and feet black. Female resembling the male; but the chin and throat are dark brown. Long. alae. caud. culm, latit. rostr. tars. millim. millim. 5|" 3" 2" 8'" 13 8 8'" Hab. Ponape, Seniavin group (Kubary). 5. RHIPIDURA KUBARYI, sp. nov. Upper parts dark sooty brown ; margin of front lores, cheeks, and ear-coverts brownish black ; a white superciliary stripe, and a white stripe from the angle of chin below the cheeks to the ear-region ; throat black; crop black, with white apical margins, giving these parts a squamated appearance ; vent, anal region and under tail-coverts white ; sides and lower wing-coverts slate-grey ; tail-feathers brownish black, broadly tipped with white. Bill and feet black. Long. alae. caud. culm. tars. millim. millim. c. 6" 2" 6'" 3" 11 20 Hab. Ponape, Seniavin group (Kubary). 6. APLONIS PELZELNI, sp. nov. Obscure sooty brown ; head above somewhat darker, lores and front changing into sooty black ; wings, tail, upper and lower tail-coverts umber-brown, a good deal lighter than the remaining plumage. Bill and feet black. Long. abe. caud. . culm. 6|" 3" 10"' 2" 4'" 8|'" Hab. Ponape, Seniavin group (Kubary). 6. Notes on the Zoology of Rodriguez. By J. CALDWELL, C.M.Z.S. [Received November 8, 1875.] Having been dispatched on special duty to the Island of Rodriguez immediately after the hurricane-season this year, I was detained nearly three months upon the island, and had an opportunity of making a few notes which may prove interesting, pending more de-tars. Ilf" |