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Show 1875.] CALEDONIA, MADAGASCAR, AND REUNION. 137 Mas ignotus. Fcemina jun., 10 millim. longa, differt cephalothorace et pedibus sordide testaceis, his nigro-punctatis et nigricanti-annulatis, tibiis quarti paris nigris, annulo basali testaceo ; ventre fuligineo-testaceo, striis trinis brevibus flavescentibus in utroque latere, punc-tisque 4 vel 6 subargenteis in medio anterius, in duo vel tria paria dispositis. Patria. Nova Caledonia, ubi sat frequens inveniri videtur haec aranea (Vinson in litt.); duas fceminas adultas ibi captas ad me misit eel. Vinson. Fceminam juniorem quoque possideo, a eel. Van Hasselt dono mihi datam, cujus patriam vero ignoro. E. maritima, Keyserl.*, sine dubio valde propinqua est pulcherrima haec species, sed verisimiliter diversa: abdomen E. maritima superne sordide album esse dicitur, area obscura nigricante vel rufescente, per totam longitudinem abdominis extensa, maculis paucis albis notata et vitta undulata alba utrinque limitata ; quae in nostram speciem non quadrant. ARACHNURA SCORPIONOIDES, Vins. 1863. Arachnoura scorpionides, Vins. Aran, d'iles de la Reunion, cet. p. 291, pl. xiii. figs. 1, la. 1864. Hapalochrota caudata, Keys. Beschr. neuer Orbitelse, in Sitz.ber. d. Isis zu Dresden, 1863, p. 82 (20), tab. iii. figs. 6-11. As this species has already been described and figured, both by Vinson and Keyserling, I shall here only give some few additional remarks, founded on the examination of a female specimen from Reunion which was kindly presented to me by Dr. Vinson. The length of the whole body is 12 millims., of cephalothorax nearly 4, of abdomen 10 (the "tail" about 4) millims. Breadth of cephalothorax 3|, and = length of patella + tibia of the first or second pair of legs; breadth of abdomen about 3f millims. When measured in the usual way, from the margin of cephalothorax, the proportion of the legs appears to be 2, 4, 1, 3, or 2, 1, 4, 3, the second pair being very slightly longer than the first and fourth pairs, which are of equal length (10 millims.) ; but when measured on the underside, from the base of the coxae, the fourth pair are a little longer than the others. Length of third pair of legs nearly 7, of tibia + patella Is (or II.) nearly 3j millims.; tibia I. is nearly 2, tibia -f patella IV. nearly 4, tibia IV. 2 millims. The fore central eyes are larger than the other 6, which are almost equal; the area occupied by the four central eyes is double as long as broad in front, and about half as broad again before as behind. The lateral eyes are separated by an interval evidently larger than their diameter and rather larger than the interval between the fore centrals, this latter interval being somewhat smaller than an eye's diameter ; the space between the posterior centrals is distinctly smaller than the diameter of these eyes. The femora of the first pair are slightly incrassated on the interior side towards the apex; they have 1, 1, 1 pale and slender * "Beitrage z. Kenntn, d. Orbitela?," in Verhandl. d. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. in Wien, xv. p. 813 (15). |