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Show 264 SIR VICTOR BROOKE ON A N E W [Mar. 16, Deer." These horns, both of which, I think, belong to the same species, decide the matter, and prove that, by his energetic assistance, Mr. Robertson has enabled m e to bring to light one of the most interesting forms amongst existing Cervidae. The following description will, I hope, with the assistance of Mr. Wolf's beautiful drawing, enable naturalists to recognize the species, which I propose to_name CERVUS (DAMA) MESOPOTAMICUS, sp. nov. (Plate XXXVIII.) Hair of moderate length, stiff, and close-set. General colour of neck, body, and limbs bright fawn. Back of the neck, upper parts of the sides, and haunches spotted with white, the spots blending Fig. 3. Antler of Cervus (Dama) mesopotamicus, from Shuster. together so as to form continuous lines along each side of the dorsal list, on the haunches, and along the sides of the body. Posterior part of the haunches and all four extremities uniform pale fawn- |