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Show 1875.] MR. G. E. DOBSON ON NEW SPECIES OF BATS. 473 a narrow interval, through which the small first is visible from without. Length, head and body 1"*6 ; tail 1"*6 ; head 0"*55 ; ear 0"*45 ; tragus 0"*22 ; forearm 1"*2 ; thumb 0"*22 ; second finger 2"*25 ; fourth finger 1"*65 ; tibia 0"*5 ; foot and claws 0"*22. Hab. Africa; eastern and western coasts. 4. VESPERUGO TYLOPUS, n. sp. Muzzle broad and evenly rounded in front ; nostrils opening on a level with the glandular prominences on each side, and without intervening emargination ; glands of the upper lip greatly developed, forming smooth, almost naked prominences, causing a furrow along the centre of the face behind the nostrils. Ears triangular, narrowed above, with rounded tips, the ascending part of the inner margin very faintly convex, nearly straight; the upper third of the outer margin straight, succeeded by a considerable convexity, causing the upper third to appear concave, then distinctly angularly emarginate opposite the base of the tragus, and terminating in a well-defined lobe midway between the base of the tragus and the angle of the mouth, but on a lower level than the mouth. This angular emargination and round terminal lobe are even better-defined than in V. nanus. Tragus faintly concave along inner margin, outer margin slightly convex, tip obtusely rounded off; a minute very acutely pointed projection slightly above the base of the outer margin. Thumb rather long ; the whole of the lower surface of basal half occupied by a naked rounded callosity of a pale yellow colour (in alcohol), with transverse wrinkles ; the sole of the foot is similarly formed, but the surface is flat, or slightly concave. The light yellow colour of these callosities or elastic and adhesive pads of the thumbs and feet contrasts remarkably with the very dark colour of the integument of the surrounding parts. Postcalcaneal lobe distinct; extreme tip of tail projecting. Inner upper incisors long, bifid, the smaller cusp placed posteriorly and externally near the extremity ; outer incisors very short, but in transverse diameter equal to the inner ones, placed in a plane slightly anterior, the. single cusp sloping inwards and lying against the cingulum of the inner incisors. Lower incisors trifid, not crowded. First upper premolar internal, but visible from without. Length, head and body 1"*55 ; tail 1"*5 ; head 0"*55 ; ear 0"*5 ; tragus 0"*2 ; forearm 1"*2 ; thumb 0"*26 ; second finger 2"*4 ; fourth finger 1"*65 ; tibia 0"*55 ; foot and claws 0''*26. Hab. North Borneo. Type in the collection of the British Museum. The peculiar structure of the sole of the foot and of the inferior surface of the thumb has not been previously noticed in V. nanus, and has hitherto been described in the genus Tylonycteris only. Among other Mammalian orders an homologous condition of the sole of the foot is found in Hyrax (in the arboreal species especially) by which these animals are enabled to run up the smooth faces of rocks and climb to the summits of lofty trees. As these animals have no |