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Show 472 MR. G. E. DOBSON ON N E W SPECIES O F BATS. [June 15, Inner upper incisor long, with a second cusp on its outer side near the extremity. Outer incisor short, lying close to the base of the inner incisor. Second premolar in the upper jaw separated from the caniue by a short interval, through which the small first premolar is distinctly visible from without. Lower incisors not crowded. Length (of au adult male preserved in alcohol), head and body 2"*0 ; tail 1"*6 ; head 0"7 ; ear 0"*6 ; tragus 0"*25 ; forearm 1"*35 ; thumb 0"*28; second finger 2"*6; fourth finger 1"*9 ; tibia 0"*52; foot and claws 0"*3. Hab. Zanzibar. Type in the collection of the British Museum. This species resembles V. (Alobus) temminckii, Riipp., but may be at once distinguished by the form of the tragus, which is narrowed towards the tip and subacutely pointed, by the deeply fimbriated margin of the interfemoral membrane, by its much greater size, &c. c. Ears triangular, the outer margin terminating in a distinct well-defined round lobe midway between the base of the tragus and the angle of the mouth; lobule at base of outer margin of tragus very small or absent; postcalcaneal lobe distinct; wings from the base of the toes; base of the thumbs and soles of the feet with fleshy pads as in Tylonycteris ; premolars A;. Subgenus Glischropus. 3. VESPERUGO NANUS. Vesperugo nanus, Peters, Reise nach Mossambique, i. p. 63. Resembles V. pipistrellus in the general form of the muzzle and ears; but the ears are narrower, and their outer margin distinctly angularly emarginate opposite the base of the tragus, terminating in a sharply defined, projecting round lobule; the inner margin is regularly slightly convex from the base to the tip, which is shortly rounded off; the upper half of the outer margin distinctly concave. Tragus without triangular lobule or projection at the base, narrowest opposite the base, broadest opposite the upper fifth of the inner margin, the outer margin sloping inwards above to join the inner margin, and form with it a narrow rounded terminal projection curved slightly inwards. Base of the thumb swollen, rounded, the surface marked with deep wrinkles ; the sole of the foot similarly swollen and wrinkled, but flat, or slightly concave as in Tylonycteris pachypus; toes short, about half the length of the whole foot. Postcalcaneal lobe distinct, rounded, placed on the calcaneum at a distance equal to about three fourths the length of the foot from the end of the tibia. Tail as long as the head and body, the extreme tip projecting. Above dark brown or black, with shining tips; beneath brown or black at the base, with ashy extremities. Upper incisors nearly equal in length, inner incisors bifid at extremities, outer unicuspidate. Lower incisors distinctly trifid, and not crowded. Second upper premolar separated from the canine by |