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Show 1875.] DR. A. GUNTHER ON INDIAN REPTILES. 231 and nasals are much reduced in size by the large loreal, and almost Anterior frontals very small, scarcely one fourth the size of the posterior. Vertical six-sided, as long as broad, with an obtuse anterior angle, and with very short supraciliary edges ; supra-ciliary and postocular of equally small size. Five upper labials ; the third and fourth enter the orbit, the fifth the largest. Temporals 1 + 2. Mental shield and the anterior lower labials nearly entirely suppressed by a pair of very large chin-shields ; these are followed by another pair of small scale-like chin-shields, behind which is the first abdominal scute, which again is much enlarged. Ventrals 129- 131 ; anal single; subcaudals 17-27. Uniform blackish above and below, with an indistinct buff collar. Three specimens from Travancore in Col. Beddome's collection ; the largest is only 7\ inches long, the tail measuring \ inch. This species agrees with Platypteryx perrotteti (D. & B.) in having the same number of rows of scales; but the pterygoid bones are scarcely more dilated than in G. microcephalus. SIMOTES SPLENDIDUS. (Plate XXXIII.) Scales in twenty-one rows. Each of the anterior frontals is broken up into two shields; so that there are four small shields in the same transverse row. Loreal distinct; two praeoculars, the lower of which is much smaller than the upper ; two or three postoculars; eight upper labials, the fourth and fifth of which form the lower part of the orbit; temporals irregular. Ventral shields 195 ; anal entire ; subcaudals 42. Yellowish white, with sixteen large bluish grey spots on the back; each of these spots is of an oblong shape, indented in front and behind, with a black edge and surrounded with a bright yellow margin ; each scale within the spot with a black speck. The scales of the interspaces of the white ground-colour are irregularly speckled with blackish. A yellow line along the median line of the tail. The first spot on the neck is nearly entirely longitudinally divided by a yellow line, and is lance-shaped in front, the point of the lance resting on the vertical shield. The remainder of the head speckled with black. Lower parts white, with an irregular series of small squarish black spots along each abdominal edge. A single example from the Wynad is in Col. Beddome's collection; it is 20 inches long, the tail measuring 2i inches. ABLABES ALBIVENTER. Scales in fifteen rows. Two pairs of frontals. Loreal elongate; one prae- and two postoculars. Temporals 1 + 1 ; the occipital does not extend downwards to the lower postocular. Six upper labials, the third and fourth entering the orbit. Two pairs of chin-shields, the anterior bein°* nearly twice the size of the posterior, and in contact with four labials. Ventrals 125 ; anal double ; subcaudals 31. Brownish above ; two or three narrow blackish lines along the outer series of scales ; an indistinct light collar. Lower parts yellowish white. Four examples from Darjeeling are in Dr. Jerdon's collection; the largest is 8 inches long, the tail measuring l£ inch. |