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Show 102 MR. R. B. SHARPE ON BIRDS FROM LABUAN. [Feb. 16, the colour of the wing-coverts and scapulars, which vary in the amount of blue shading. The greener ones are probably females, or perhaps young birds, as the latter have the scapulars entirely green. In the present collection is a little nestling, a most interesting specimen, as it differs somewhat from the full-grown young birds previously seen by me. It is of a dull olive-green above, the tail bluer than the back, the lower part of which and the rump have the usual cobalt appearance, but not so bright as in the adults ; the wings are slightly brighter green than the back ; ear-coverts black; chin and cheeks yellowish, shading off into cobalt streaks on the lower throat and hinder part of cheeks ; breast bright grass-green, gradually shading off into bluish white on the abdomen and under tail-coverts ; under wing-coverts and bases of quills dull chestnut, those round the bend of the wing dull green. Family TROGONIDAE. 10. HARPACTES DUVAUCELI (Temm.). Pyrotrogon duvaucelii, Salvad. I. c. p. 29. Two fully adult males. 11. HARPACTES DIARDI (Temm.). Pyrotrogon diardi, Salvad. I. c. p. 28. Two males and a female of this species are contained in the present collection. One of them has a black head, with a very slight wash of crimson ; but the other has a deep crimson head, the black colour being quite obscured. May not this crimson-headed bird account for H. erythrocephalus having been admitted into the Bornean avifauna ? Count Salvadori is doubtless right in discrediting its occurrence in the island. Family BUCEROTIDAE. 12. H Y D R O C I S S A ALBIROSTRIS (Shaw) ; Salvad. I.e. p. 82. A series of this species, differing much in shape of bill. Family CAPITONIDAE. 13. M E G A L A E M A V E R S I C O L O R (Raffl.). Chotorea versicolor, Salvad. 1. c. p. 33. One adult example. Family PICIDAE. 14. Y U N G I P I C U S SONDAICUS, Wall, in Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 43. Count Salvadori's title of fusco-albidus for this species must sink into a synonym of Mr. Wallace's name above quoted, if the latter gentleman is correct in supposing the true P. moluccensis to be the large species from Lombock and Flores. I have compared the two Labuan examples now sent by Mr. Low with the type of P. sondaicus, and find them to be the same species. |