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Show 622 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON SPHINGIDA. [Nov. 16, about half the width, abruptly failing just before anal angle, outer margin not undulated ; body greyish, markings obsolete: expanse of wings 1 inch 7 lines. N.W. India. Type, coll. F. Moore. Genus PERGESA, Walker. 1. P E R G E S A M O N G O L I A N A , II. sp. Like a small example of P. velata from Darjeeling, but differing as follows :-central band of primaries above much less defined, more oblique, touching the inner margin at external angle, only black at its lower extremity; remainder of the wing decidedly darker, so as to obscure the markings; discal area pale towards the apex and (in two diffused spots) between first and second median interspaces; secondaries with the pale streak sharply defined at anal angle, where it forms a distinct, triangular, ochraceous spot; eyes and tegulse clearly bordered with white ; sides of coxse and venter dull rose-colour : primaries below with outer brown border wider, paler areas red, a yellow patch towards apex, and a diffused yellow spot on second median interspace ; secondaries red, greyish on interno-median area, costa tinted with yellowish : expanse of wings 2 inches 2 lines. Nankow Pass, between Mongolia and China (Swinhoe). Type, B.M. The following is a description of the metamorphoses, from drawings made by a native Japanese artist under the superintendence of Mr. George Lewis :- Larva. Whity brown at the sides, becoming gradually sandy brown towards the dorsal region, which is of a still deeper tint; the sixth and succeeding segments reticulated with dark brown ; anterior portion of dorsal region on each of these segments obliquely blackish, quite black in front of the horn, which is normal in shape and testaceous ; anterior segments slightly deeper in colour, with two lateral longitudinal lines, the inferior one indistinct and brown, the superior one black and terminating on the fifth segment in a large bipupillated black ocellus with yellowish iris and black margin ; a subdorsal blackish litura on the anterior segments ; head, venter, and claspers greyish brown, spotted with whitish ; the feet black ; thoracic legs testaceous: length 3 inches 1 line. Pupa. Whity brown, clouded with grey, and mottled with whitish below (particularly in front) ; anterior portion of segments reddish ; a lateral longitudinal series of black spiracular spots, with whitish borders: length 1 inch 5 lines. The larva feeds upon balsam. P. mongoliana appears to be not uncommon in Japan, and probably occurs also in China; the larva is not unlike the darker form of Chcerocampa lewisii. Genus CHCEROCAMPA, Duponchel. 1. CHCEROCAMPA PRUNOSA, n. sp. Nearly allied to C. rosina, the wings longer and narrower, altogether |