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Show 346 MR. A. H. GARROD ON THE DEEP [Apr. 20, gonatous birds with scansorial feet which I have examined, and in them only, it being present in Ramphastos arid, Tiga javanensis, Megalama asiatica, Galbula albirostris, Gecinus viridis, Urogalba paradisea. It is represented in fig. 8. The two tendons descend behind the ankle as usual, having their origins typical. There is nothing peculiar till they have descended two thirds down the tarso-metatarse. About opposite the middle of that bone the flexor longus hallucis sends a vincnlum downwards as in the Fowl, to join the tendon of the flexor perforans digitorum. Just above the metatarso-phalangeal articulation the tendons become arranged for distribution in a most uncommon manner. The tendon of the flexor perforans digitorum does not split up, but runs to one digit only, namely the third toe, Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Crotophaga sulcirostris. Megalama asiatica. which is the outer of the two that are directed forward. It is covered superficially by the flexor perforans digitorum, just as that latter muscle is splitting up to be distributed to the hallux as well as to digits 2 and 4. In these birds we have, therefore, the flexor longus hallucis arising from the lower surface of the femur only, running through the ankle at the outer side of the other deep tendon, and sending a vinculum downwards-all of which are |