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Show 1875.] MR. G. B. SOWERBY ON NEW SPECIES OF SHELLS. 129 9. LATIRUS AUREO-CINCTUS. (Plate XXIV. fig. 2.) L. testa elongato-turrita; spira obtuso-acuminata; basi multo contracta; anfractibus 9, rotundatis, spiraliter liratis, longitudinaliter costatis, costis latis rotundatis, liris aureo-fiavis, interstitiis atro-fuscis, filo-striatis, striis albidis; apertura ovata, parva ; columella triplicata; labio externo crenulato ; canali brevi, rectiuscula. Long. 20, lat. 8; apert. long. 5, lat. 2% mill. Hab. Mauritius. An elongately turreted shell; spire obtusely acuminated ; base much contracted ; whorls 9 in number, rounded, spirally ridged, longitudinally ribbed; ribs broad, rounded ; ridges of a golden yellow colour; interstices nearly black, with fine whitish threads; aperture ovate, small; columella three-plaited ; outer lip crenulated ; canal short, nearly straight. Obs. This remarkable little shell I received about two years ago from M . de Robillard of Mauritius; but I believe it has never been described. There is no known species with which it can well be compared. 10. MYODORA ROTUNDAS. (Plate XXIV. fig. 8.) M . testa rotundato-subfrigona, valde ineequivalvi, albida, utrinque concentrice valide striata; latere postico leviter bian-gulato; margine dorsali excavato, vix incurvato; umbonibus acutis, cceruleo tinctis ; valva dextra valde ventricosa, postice bicostata; valva sinistra planata ; fovea trigona ligamenti parviuscula. Lat. 25, alt. 23 mill. Hab. New Zealand. A Myodora of a rounded form, very inaequivalve, both valves concentrically strongly striated, with two slight angles on the posterior side ; dorsal margin excavated, scarcely incurved ; umbones acute, of a bluish tint; right valve very ventricose, with two ribs from the umbones to the posterior margin ; left valves flat; triagonal liga-mentary pit rather small. Obs. Four specimens of this species having come into m y hands, I have compared them with a number of specimens of M. striata, and find them to differ in these respects-M. rotundata, right valve much deeper, umbones more central, dorsal margin less incurved and more sloping, ligamentary pit much smaller, and the whole shell rounder. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXIV. Fig. 8 a, b. Myodora rotundata, p. 129. 9. Mitra induta, p. 128. 10. Ziziphinus multiliratus, p. 127. 11. , var. /3. Fig. 1. Ovulum depressum, p. 128. 2. Latirus aureo-cinctus, p. 129. 3. Admete tabulata, p. 128. 4. Mitra flexilabris, p. 127. 5. Conus multilineatus, p. 126. 6. gracilis, p. 125. 7. Trochus (Polyodonta) mira- j hilis, p. 126. PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1875, No. IX. |