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Show 1875.] LIEUT.-COL. BEDDOME ON NEW LAND-SHELLS. 453 two not being in any way distinguishable), which, however, seems scarcely to differ from that of many typical species of Cyclophorus, except, perhaps, in being more closely wound, certainly not enough to constitute a subgenus, and Craspedotropis cannot be kept up; the epidermis is much the same in both, but less fringed in this species; the ribs or keels are the same ; but this wants the acuminate form and the concave sides of the spire so peculiar in C. cuspidatus. CYCLOPHORUS SALEMENSIS, n.sp. (Plate LIII. fig. 35.) Shell moderately umbilicated, turbinate, with the spire rather acuminate, of a dull olive-green, furnished with a dirty dark brown, obliquely striated, thread-like epidermis, which is early deciduous ou the upper whorls, but always present on the lowest, and round the umbilicus, where it forms a fringe; whorls 6, the upper five generally smooth, convex, or the fifth more or less bilirate towards its termination ; lowest whorl a little descending in front, convex below, furnished with five prominent spiral costulations above the region of the periphery, and four to five below it, which latter are only conspicuous towards the termination of the whorl; umbilicus spirally lirate within; aperture oblique, subcircular, angled at its apex; peristome single, continuous, angled at its apex, and suddenly contracted a little below the apex of its right margin, and slightly angled at the centre of the same margin (at the exit of the lower or most prominent of the costulations round the periphery) ; operculum as in C. biliratus and cuspidatus: length ^ inch, and the greatest diameter equalling the length. Shevaroy hills, Salem district, very rare; only two specimens were procured. * Nearly allied to C. biliratus and cuspidatus. Typical specimens of all these species, except Opisthostoma distor-tum, have been deposited in the British Museum. EXPLANATION OF PLATES LII. & LIII. Fig. 1. Biplommatina canarica, p. 442. 2. gracilis, p. 442. 3,4. minima, p. 442. 5, 6. (Nicida) anamallayana, p. 443. 7. ( ) subovata, p. 443. 8. ( )pedronis, p. 443. 9. ( ) ceylanica, p. 444. 10,11. Opisthostoma deccanense, p. 444. 12. Cyathopoma (Jerdonia) nitidum, p. 445. 13. ( ) blanfordi, p. 446. 14, i ) album, p. 446. 15 ( ) anamallayanum, p. 446. K3_ ( ) ovatum, p. 447. 17 ( ) sivagherrianum, p. 448. Figs. 18, 18 a. Cyathopoma (Jerdonia) atrosetosum, p. 448. 19. ( ) elatum, p. 448. 20. ( ) ceylanicum, p. 450. 21, 22. ( )vitreum,-p.44d. 23, 24. ( ) seticinctum, p. 449. 25, 26, 27. Cyclophorus subplica-tus, p. 452. 28,29. Cyathopoma latilabre, p. 450. 30,31. travancoricum, p. 451. 32,33. shevaroyanu7n,Tp.4ol. 34. Cyclophorus biliratus, p. 452. 35. - - salemensis, p. 453. |