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Show 494 PROF. G. GULLIVER ON RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. [Julie 15, Hylobates leucogenys .... 3425 „ rafflesii 3539 Pithecus satyrus 3383 Simia troglodytes 3412 BIMANA. Homo 3200 T. 12400 Foetus (5th month) 3000 EXPLANATIONS OF THE FIGURES ON PLATE LV. All the objects are red blood-corpuscles done to one and the same scale, which is at the foot of the drawing. The whole length of the scale represents ^ ^ of an English inch, and each one of its ten divisions 40 1 6o of an inch, as described at page 475. Only corpuscles of the average sizes and quite regular shapes are given ; and they are all magnified to the same, or nearly the same, degree-to wit, about 800 diameters. VERTEBRATA APYREN.<EMATA. Homo. 1. Corpuscle lying flat. 2. The same on edge. 3. Membranous base of the same, after removal by water of the colouring-matter. Quadrumana. 4. Simia troglodytes. 5. Ateles ater. 6. Lemur angUanensis. Cheiroptera. 7. Cynonycteris collaris. 8. Vespertilio noctula. 9. Vespertilio pipistrellus. Feres. 10. Sorex tetragonurus. 11. Ursus labiatus. 12. Bassaris astuta. 13. Cercoleptes caudivolvulus. 14. Trichechus rosmarus. 15. Canis dingo. 16. Mustela zorilla. 17. Felis tigris. 18. Paradoxurus pallasii. 19. Paradoxurus bondar. Cetacea. 20. Balsena boops. 21. Delphinus globiceps. 22. Delphinus phocaena. Pachydermata. 23. Elephas indicus. 24. Rhinoceros indicus. 25. Tapirus indicus. 26. Equus caballus. 27. Dicotyles torquatus. 28. Hyrax capensis. Buminantia. 29. Tragulus javanicus. 30. Tragulus meminna. 31. Tragulus stanleyanUs. 32. Cervus nemorivagus. 33. Capra caucasica. 34. Capra hircus. 35. Bos urus. 36. Camelopardalis giraffa. 37. Auchenia vicugna. 38. Auchenia paco. 39. Auchenia glama. 40. Camelus dromedarius. 41. Camelus bactrianus. 42. Cervus mexieanus (see page 483) Rodentia. 43. Hydrochoerus capybara. 44. Castor fiber. 45* SciurUs cinereus. 46. Mus messorius. Edentata. 47. Myrmecophaga jubata. 48. Bradypus didactylus. 49. Dasypus villosus. Marsupialia. 50. Phascolomys wombat. 51. Hypsiprymnus setosus. Monotremata. 52. Echidna hystrix. VERTEBRATA PVREN.EMATA. Aves. 59. Columba rufina. 60. Columba migratoria. de- 61. Dolichonyx oryzivorus. 62. Buceros rhinoceros. 63. Psittacus augustus. 64. Phasianus superbus. 65. Pelecanus onocrotalus. 66. Trochilus, sp. 53. Struthio camelus. 54. The same, made round and prived of colour by water. 55. Vanga destructor. 56. Lanius excubitor. 57. Bubo virginianus. 58. Syrnea nyctea. |