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Show 1875.] MR. G. E. DOBSON ON THE GENUS CHALINOLOBUS. 387 the posterior upper molar little more than half the size of the molar. The lower incisors are distinctly trifid, some even appearing to have a fourth lobe; they are not crowded, and form a regular semicircle across the wide space between the canines. The lower premolars are also, like the canines, very slender and acutely pointed, the first premolar about half the size of the second. Length (of an adult 2 preserved in alcohol): head and body 2"*0 ; tail 2"*0 ; head 0"*55 ; ear 0"*5, tragus 0"*22 X 0"-l ; forearm 1"7 ; thumb 0"-25 ; first finger 1"*7; second finger-metacarp. 1"*7, 1st ph. 3"-6, 2nd ph. 1"*3; third finger-metacarp. 1"*55, 1st ph. 0"*45, 2nd ph. 0"*5; fourth finger-metacarp. 1"*35, 1st ph. 0"-4, 2nd ph. 0"*3 ; tibia 0"*72; foot and claws 0"*3. Hab. Cameroon Mountains, western equatorial Africa. This species has a general resemblance to Miniopteris schreibersi in the shape of the head and ears, in the shortness of the first phalanx and great length of the terminal phalanx of the longest finger, in the long and slender tail wholly contained within the interfemoral membrane; added to which the grey colour of the fur and corresponding size would cause specimens of this species to be readily confounded, on a superficial examination, with specimens of the European grey-coloured M. schreibersi. CHALINOLOBUS POENSIS. Kerivoula poensis, Gray, Ann. Mag.Nat. Hist.vol.x. p.258(1842). Ears very similar to those of C. argentatus; inner and outer margins convex, without a distinct tip, the outer margin forming a convex lobe in front of the base *of the tragus, and terminating close to the angle of the mouth, the internal basal lobe forming a narrow lobule projecting backwards. Tragus similarly semilunate, even more curved inwards; the outer margin to the lip forming au arc nearly equal to two thirds of the circumference of a circle ; the inner margin slightly concave ; immediately above the base of the outer margin a prominent, acutely pointed, triangular lobule. So far as can be perceived from an examination of the dilapidated specimen which forms the type of this species, the lower lip has a horizontal lobe extending from the angle of the mouth to a point opposite the lower canine tooth, as in C. argentatus. Nostrils wide apart, sepa^- rated by a slightly concave space nearly one tenth of an inch wide, and opening almost directly laterally. Thumbs and feet as in C. argentatus, and similarly black at the extremities, with black claws. Postcalcaneal lobe long and narrow, triangular, the apex of the triangle (which is placed about the middle of the lobe) supported by a small cartilaginous projection placed at right angles to the calcaneum. The tail appears to be wholly contained within the interfemoral membrane. Fur above dark at the base of the hairs, the extremities grey on the head and neck, and grey with a yellowish tinge on the back and sides; beneath similarly dark at the base, with greyish yellow extremities. The fur of the body extends upon the wing-membrane as far as a 25* |