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Show 1 2 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON NEW [J less oblique towards inner margin; secondaries bright ochreous, a subbasal lunule, a broad, transverse, central streak, and a broad marginal border dark brown : body-head chocolate-brown ; thorax ferruginous, with posterior black border ; abdomen red-brown, irrorated with grey, and spotted at the sides with elongated fulvous spots or liturse; antennas whitish above, dull ochraceous below: wings below brown, whitish towards base ; fringe white-spotted ; interno-basal area of primaries ochreous ; abdominal area of secondaries whitish; body below sordid white. Expanse of wings 4 inches 2 lines. South Africa. Type, B.M. 24. PROTOPARCE CONTRACTA, n. sp. S . Allied to P. lucetius ; primaries narrower, secondaries shorter, colouring slightly paler, the oblique lines of primaries much less irregular; submarginal line and apical patch much whiter; secondaries with the second brown band running independently across the wing instead of losing itself in the third band, marginal band narrower; orange lateral spots on the body much more rounded, a dorsal blackish line; mesothorax not black; primaries below with the transverse lines more oblique and better defined ; secondaries with the transverse lines wider apart, more dentated; marginal border much narrower. Expanse of wings 4 inches I line. Rio Janeiro (Stevens). Type, B.M. Confounded with P. Carolina by Mr. Walker. Genus DILUDIA, Grote and Robinson. 25. DILUDIA BREVIMARGO, n. sp. 2 • Closely allied to D. fiorestan, but differing as follows:- Smaller; primaries with the outer margin much shorter, more rounded at apex ; secondaries also shorter, outer margin excavated above anal angle: in colours it differs in having the primaries much greyer in tint, the transverse bands greener, the marginal black lines of these bands more distinct and more strongly dentated ; the black bars on median branches less strongly defined ; the apical black-edged area narrower, and very indistinctly sinuated externally ; secondaries with the inner transverse black bar very indistinct: body with the head and thorax greenish grey, abdomen less red ; marginal black strigae less strongly defined; wings below darker than in D. fiorestan, transverse bars less distinct and more irregular, the two inner bars of secondaries coalescing. Expanse of wings 4 inches 6 lines. Brazil (Becker). B.M. 26. DILUDIA RUFESCENS, n. sp. 2 . Allied to D. licheuea, primaries altogether redder ; the outer margin shorter, more arched ; central band much better defined its outer edge much more dentated ; apical patch more elongated • submarginal white streak much more deeply sinuated ; secondaries shorter, pale grey, with two indistinct central whitish bars: bodv more uniform in colouring, head and collar rather redder • lateral |