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Show ‘34 SERIES or ANSWERS To POPULAR OBJECTIONS. originally we had our Pitch and Tar from Swan den: But the Swedes were fo impolitic as to lay an exorbitant Duty on the Exportation of their Pitch and Tar, prefuming that the Engliflr could find no other Supplies. At that: Juné‘ture, had our Nation but applied to the other Northern Powers of Europe, they might have procured enough, and probably at a cheaper Rate; for rival Shops naturally dill folve Monopolies: But the Engliflr, ever anx- ious to favour the! Colonies, tho' in the Event to their own Lofs, took a different Method, by granting a. molt profufe Bounty to thefe C010= nies to manufacture Pitch and Tar: Whereby they were enabled at our Expence to clear their ‘Woods, and to bring their Lands into Culture. OBJECTION v1. N Cafe of a Separation, where {hall we get Pipe-Staves, and other Lumber for our Weft-birdie [Hands 5" and above all, where [hall we get Provilions .9 ANSWER 1. WHERE, or from whence do the Franc/z and Spaniards, Dun/z and Dam: procure Provifions, Pipe-Staves, and Lumber for their refpesflive War-India Settlements P The Anfwcr to this Qieflion will ferve for both. Now it is a Fact too notorious to be denied, that the And after thefe Favours have been continued to North-flmericam never ceafed fupplying the French and Spaniards, not only with Provifions them to this very Hour [for the Law is not and Lumber, but with every Article whatever, yet formally repealed] they and their Advo- cates have now the Modefiy to alk, What car: you do without American Pitch and Tar? for which there was a Probability of being paid: I fay, they fupplied them even in Times of "Hit, as well as in Times of Peace: Though indeed at both Juné‘tures they acted illegally, and were liable to Comm-cations and various other Penalties for f0 doing. But what are Laws, Penalties, and Confifcations to an {17726- rz'am, when put into the Scale againfl‘ prelent Gain? Even HANCOCK himf‘clf, the nominal Head of the Congrefs, and the Tool of artful ADAMS, was one of the greateil Smugglers on the OBJECTEQN |