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Show ~H9-w-w- new 3"3'?'ll"'m [- W... :2 ms» '1! Lale7y MHz/716d 5y the/Elma Author, Tracts Theological and Polemica}, Tracts Political and Commercial.- By t/‘ze fame flirt/107‘. Solution of the important Qieflfnn, Whe ther a poor 3. An Apology for the Church of Eng/mid, occalioncd by a Petition LO Parliame u for aboliihing all Subfcrip- Country, where raw Mi exit-h and Provifions are cheap, and Wag-es 10:", can lulipbnt the Trade of a rich, manufacturing Countrv, where raw Materials and Provilions are dear, and the Price of tions and 'i‘cits oi‘Doi‘trine. . Two Lctters to the Rev. Dr KIPPIS: The 10: con- cerning Church-Authority in Mitters of Faith and Labour high. Dootrine: And the 2d concerning the original Doc- trine of the Church or Ling/um! icl'ptt'ftmg Cuivinifln ; Whercin a Delineation is exhibited or" the five roints', or of the famous truinquarticiiiar Controv-rfy, Para- 2, The Cafe of going to War for the Sake of Trade confidered in a new Light. 3. A Letter from a Merchant in London to his Nephew in flmcrim, concerning the late, and prcfcnt Diitur- bances in the Colonies, graph by Paragraph ; with Extracts from the Liturgy Of the Church of England ranged under each Head. 0. Religiou s Intolera nce no crm' Plan either _ w , . e . ,. Part. ofthegm . . of the Motaic, or Lhriitian Difpemat ion. a 4.. The true Intereft of Great Britain fet Forth in regard to the Colonies; and the only Means ofli vm;r in Peace and Harmony with them; proved and illuflrated by five ditt‘ercnt Schemes. 5. The refpefiive Pleas and Argume nts of the Mother Country, and of the Colonies (liltinétly {et fort h , and the lmpoflihility of a Compi‘omile of Differencec, 01‘ it mutual Conccflion of Rights plai nly demonflrated; with a pref Congrefs. 4. Seventeen Sermons on fome of the moi} important Points of natural and revealed Religion: To which is added an Appendix Containing a brief, and difpaflionate View of the fevera! DiHiCHIt‘es rcfptétrrely attending the Orthodox, Arian, and Socinian Syitcms in regard to the Holy Trinity. Printed for RIVINGToN. atory Epifile to the l'lenipotentiaries of the 6. A Letter to EDMUND BURKE, Efq; in Anfwer to his printid Speech of Mart/9 22, 1775. W'hercin i: is fhex m, that all the Arguments advanced in his Speech, abfolutely conclude for a tota l Separation. 7. An humlilerAddrei‘s and earnei't Appe al to the L§l17dCLi Interefi ‘ To [56 fuZzZi/lzrd, if found nerrflary, during t/re prefmt Scfiom of Purl/anneal. ' Tract concerning the l'or'l‘cflions, and Rchdcnce of the Clergv of the Church of Eng/422:1: Lonmining, of Great Britain and Ire/am] eéting out" prefent Difputes with the rebellious Colorefp nies, I. An Apology for their temporal l'offeflions; and a Com~ parifon between theirprefent Wealth, ‘aml that of any Pr/nttdfor CADELL. Tracts other refpeétable Order ochn in the State at prcfcnt. ' i 2. Animudverhons |