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Show 32 SERIES OF ANSWERS TO POPULAR OBJECTIO'NS. 33 ANSWER 3. THE Englieravy receives much greater, and more neceflary fupplies from the OBJECTION Northern States of Europe than from the Nor- V. thern Colonies of America. For the large, clean grained oaken Plank of three, four, five, F we fhould lofe the northern Colonies, where {hall we get Pitch and Tar, Mails and Naval Stores for our Navy 9 and fix Inches in Thicknefs, f0 necelTary for the very Exillence of our capital Ships of War, is chiefly imported, and has been for upwards ANSWER I. To what Market will the Northern Colonies fend their Pitch and Tar, their of 100 Years pail, from Germany, Dam'zz‘rk, l and the other Ports of the l'a/lif.‘ The Iron (if any wanted befides our own) is brought Malls and Naval Stores, if they lhould refufe to fell them to the Erzgljflz? Some Qiefiions are bef't anfwered by their Oppofites: And it from Sweden and Rifle -, and the Hemp almofl: altogether from Rufia, and its conquered Pro- is a Faé‘t, that were we to withdraw our Boun~ vinces. Yet we have mol't abfurdly and impoliticly loaded both the Iron, and Hemp of ties, it would he an exceeding diflicult Matter for the Colonies to find any vent at all for theft: Articles. ANSWER 2. THE Franc/z, Duff/l, and 813mm and: have Ships, which carry Malls, and require Pitch and Tar, Hemp, iron, and Cor~ thofe Countries with heavy, dilcouraging Taxes, in order to favour the Iron and Hemp of un- grateful A'mericzz. As to Malls, Yards, and Deals, they may in general be purchafed cheaper in Norway, Sweden, and in fome Parts of Rafi fizz, Qiality for Qiality, than in Nari/z-flme- dage as well as Eriglz'flz Ships. And happily for them, they have no Northern Colonies. Yet thefe Nations are lupplied with all thefe Artil- rim .- Though they feldom can be rendered f0 cheap at an Eng/M1 Market, on account of cles at a moderate Price, and without Bount ies. which were formerly granted to the Colonies; What therefore fhould prevent the Erzglz'flz from being fupphed from the fame Source, and on but which of courfe will be removed when we Come to underh‘and our true lntereft. thofe ill-judged Bounties and lndulgencies, as good Terms P _.AN 5W12 R. ANSWER 4. IN refpec'l to the particular Articles of Pitch and Tar 5 be it oblerved, That ' originally |