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Show . i. A new set offir/f Leflbm ; whe reby the more inflr‘ti‘ta ti‘ve Pari . "we: . .. .FfiAqr. 4;... am» rag-'4‘" ' ..».: ,. v-nrc-gc.' at"; 'fl' nersa ointed Anno. 1689. And on the imper~ lumen: wiil bt more fthuentl y' galfixecmlifn of that Plan, before the Afl'embly broke up. 2. The Book of Pihlms nbrilged, and methodized under certain Heads 0 D.vo:‘ion, and Mor als : The is bridg- forth, and 71/17?) to promote the Exooutzon of It, are Intro/y s or" the "id read, and the ltrfi infill uetive omitted. ment to confil'c of 14 Hymn For Mornin g and EH ning Service, {tilted to the Even Days ofthe Week; With an introductory Hymn to be eonl lantly ufcd. Such Per/om, who approve of the Dgflgn, as above fet rogmfled to honour the A'utlyor wztb tbezr [and 1-117!!!" and 4/3fflanceL-u‘fbe Favour [ball be "(fleflful/y ocl'mw/edged; and their Namesfaz'tbfully concealed, zf required. UU 3. A Retrenchm'n cf Redunrli neies and Repetitictns. And .2 Reduction if a l the lien/let s to 21 Length and Haze mm: {nimble to the Cn‘Cumlla nees of a public Congregation; 4. An Amputation. of fome dfll'nfiv' e PalTages, and incautxous hxpreflicn s. 5. An Addition of a few Colleéls to be made for partiT cular Oqeafions, the Catechilm to be enlarge" and the Comminatio ~§ervice to be altered." 6. A new Set of Colleéts to precede the Epifiles 2nd Gdl‘pClS, more fuitablc to theft: Poitions or Scripture, thzzn thz- prelim are. N. B. This (‘o' leéfion will chiefly conlifl ofthnf:C<>llecfl s, which fiiinob [then Dam] PATRIC prefintad to th‘ Rev. ani Right nev. the L‘ommilfionex‘a appointul Anno. 1689, by King Vv'ILLIAM and Qieen MARY fir the Revlfdl and 1m- prthmt nt of the Common Prayer. The ‘é‘v'hole to be uflnered in by a preliminary Difec‘uffe,‘ Cont aining, I. A iliort Account ofLi turgiLS in geneJill, and m" the Forms principa lly in U11: in Emu/mi." before the Reformation. ley. A Strifi'ure on the Erro rs of Pr. CLARK in his‘ pretended Lmendmions :f the Common Pray er: And, 3dly. Some Obfcrvations on the impelled} Plan, as far as it can be traeed, oi'the Rev. and Rig ht Rev. the Com- miflioncra |