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Show 58 SERIES OF ANSWERS To Interel't, Pages 80-84.. Now after a due Con- fideration of thefe Facts, I afic, doth Experience and pal't Trials warrant us to fay, that a Junction with Hanover is found to be of fuch a national Advantage, that we ought to attempt the like Plan in regard to flmorz'ooz .9 BUT this is not all: For our Roafonz'ng on the Cafe [till {trengthens the Argument againft a Junftion with flmorioa. Thus for Example, Hanover is but a little 'Way 03‘, and is indeed but a little Country if compared to America; nor can it ever be a greater: But above all, the llllll'l Mafs of the Inhabitants of that Eleélorate have never been infirufted in any Notions, as aRnZo of Duty, but thofe of Submiflion and Obedience. Whereas flrnerioo is an immenfe Country, the nearel't Part of which is 3000 Miles dif'tant from Groat-fritain: And the A'morionns in general POPULAR OBJECTIONS (Opinion of the Nor/lz- Americ ans for thefe. 50 59 Years pail, that the Seat (if Empire ought to to be transferred fro m tie efl'er Country, that is, from Englan d td :gmteii'jofif":1' gr. FRANKLIN eleganl{y phr afed it, from tliis ode-Boot to the Manof War. Moreove he famous flmoricon Pamphlet, Co mmon Senr t(inC the Co mpofition of which Dr FR ANKLI ‘ 3 and Mr. ADAMS are fuppofed to be principallyN eonm cerned) declares it to be prepolterous, abfurd, and againfl the Comic of Nature, that a great " Continent fhould be (To verned by an Ifland. " In no Infiance hath N ature b made the Satellite " larger than its primary Planet : And as Eng- " [and and America, with refpeé't to each other, {C " reygrfe the common Order of Nature, it is ev1 ent they belong to differen t Svflems; 'f‘ Englandto Europe, and Amerim to itfe lf." are defcribed by their own Friends and Advocates, as fome of the mol't litigious, turbulent, and ungovernable Pe0ple upon Earth. [See lVlr. BURKE'S Speech, and my Anl‘wer to it, Pages 15-26.] ANSWER 3. Hanoi-5* can never wrell from England the Seat of Empire; for every 'l‘hing ‘COlllpll‘CS to prevent the very Poliibility of fuch a Project: Whereas it has been the unanimous Opinion OBJECTION |