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Show POPULAR OBJECTIONS. 56 r~ ,1, SERIES or ANSWERS To true, and very apropos,~~" The Mileries of which had not received your own Approbation. " llmzowr [in the] lalt War ought to warn The Congrefles, both Provincial and Conti-liars to thele iilllructive lemma: And they Will " us againll Connections." Nay, we are father taught by long Experience, that the Genius of the ling/Mi is peculiarly unlit to be joined with fuller you to lipurn at their Authority with the any other People, upon and equal l‘ooting, or fame ltnpunit: , that you lpurn at ours. in a w~ordimMU (El/ale, of which their Behavtour towards the Store/z and Iri/ll, as well as towards neutal, Wlll undoubtedly lillen with attentive ANSWER 2. LET us now fuppofe another Cafe, to be as much Alien; and Foreigners, as the Ha- the Han ‘zxcriaizx, is too {biking an lixample to pals unnoticed. 'I'hough indeed, pioperly and ilric‘lly lipcaltfng, Swim/2d is not co'ordinate, m‘veriwm are: But to be, like them, fubjeft to but united and inrorporaled with [Eng/ami, at the lame Prince, under a feparate and indepen- dent'l‘itle; What would be the Conlequence of fuch an heterogeneous Syi'tem? NOthing furely very defireable, if we can rely either on the Experience of what is pail, or on Reafom'ng as to what may come. the earnell Requell of the [inky/ilk: WlliCll Circumll‘ance renders the daily and ban Reproaches of the 12mm againll the. Swim llill BY Experience we learn, that our Junction Union can talte Place, this Country is not w-or- viz. That the flmerz'mm are declared by Law more inexcufable; tor the dimer/ms have de- clared, one and all, that they never will be united or incorporated with Greg! Brlizzin. And in rel-peét to 111'6/Nid, 'till the much-wilhed-iOr with Hanover was far from being a Blefling to dirzatc, but :r/u/x-ardz'mzle State. either Country. of which, he the Declaratory Act of 6th of GEORGE I. made to quell the 'l'umults excited , For it is well known that the innOCent Inhabitants of that Electorate have been involved, for our Sakes, in all the Calamities of \N'ar, whilll‘ we o-tirfelves enjoyed no For the Proofs by the faitious '* Writings of Mr. Momutux. See alto my Addrcfs and Appeal to the Landed Sort of Atltutntage from their MilEry, unlefi; "the Lavifhing oliour Blood and 'l‘realiure in De- fence of a Country not to be defended, can be called an Advantage. The Words of the 11mg- rz'mrz Pamphlet, Common Sen/2' are here very true "" A further Account will be given oftliefe Writings in my Antwer to Mr. LOCK ; wherein will be explained, how far Mr. M ii N t: ux himfelfpraétilicd, 0r wifltcd to praéttle, his own Doctrine. E Interclt, |