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Show mm" . 43mm:- art-('O‘GWQWAH'. .- I" m SERIES or ANSWERS To POPULAR OBJECTIONS. 103 Matters of Argument and Reafon to any ' human Authority, when it makes againfi him ; yet to exult f0 much on the Authority ofa fingle‘ Man, when it makes for him. But let this pafs at prefent, in Order that we may not anticipate what may further be faid on the Subject of Mr. Loexa. Indeed it is here particularly urged, not anfwer for the Doctor's) makes no lhining Part in the Character of Mr. Loexa, as the P.1- tron, Protector, and Guardian of the common Rights ofall Mankind. In his fundamental Laws of the Province of Carolina, he lays it down as an invariable Maxim [Conllitution CX.] " That as a dijlimf? Confideration, that he was the great " every Freeman of Carolina {hall have Anso- " LU'I‘E POWER AND AUTHORITY over his Friend of the Liberties of Mankind: And I am " Negro Slaves." ready to allow, that fuch a Character is aglori~ our Title, when truly and eminently deferved. But a mere Allertion is no Proof. Therefore this Code of Laws, he adds thefe remarkable Words :--~" Thefe Confiitutions, in Number " 120, and every Part thereof, Ihall be and re- " main the flawed and rim/terrible Form and Rule " of the Government of Carolina FOR EVER. " Witnefs our Hands and Seals the 1ft Day of the great Qiefiion is {till remaining, viz. In what Refpeéts did he fo eminently deierve to be {tiled the Friend of, and Champion for the Liberties of Mankind? Now'till this can be fairly decided, furely it would be wrong to build f0 high an lincomium as Dr. PRICE has done, on a mere Suppofition. In the mean Time, he mul't give me Leave to mention one Circumi'tance, which, according to my Ideas (I will ‘* In myLetter to Dr. KIPPIS (printed for RIVINGTON) the Cafe is fluted, in what Refpeé‘ts, and under what Iii-mitations, llumnn Authority is :xdmiflible in all Controvcrfies whatever, religious, civil, philoli/phieal, See. &c. And it is further flxewn, that the Church of [England lays no other Srrels on, or further claim to, any Authority " Mart/z, 166-9." And at the Conclufion of Such is the Language of the humane Mr. LOCKEl the great and glorious Allertor of the natural Rights and Liberties of Mankind. Now I have obferved already both in this, and in former Treatifes, that Republicans in gene~ ral are for leveling all Dil‘tinétions above them, and at the fame Time for tyrannizing over thofe, whom Chance or Misfortune have placed below them. And molt undoubtedly a fironger Proof of this Conduct could not have been given, than than what is perfeélly agreeable to the Rules of Procedure in all the AHhirs of lluman Life;--and indeed run/your what is contained in the above Allertion oer. cubic/2 Drgrn of it, Human Affairs could not be carried on. LOCKE. not But here lforefee, that an Excufe, or Apology |