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Show PREFACE, PREFACE. " I waited upon him accordingly, and " iure, that if he did, he would execute " found with him feveral other Colony- a f/Ié' " Agents. f‘ Notice of his Appointment." I {0011 after had " GRENVILLE was detireus to make the " Execution of the Act as little incmve- " nient and difagreeable to the A,~‘,‘aerz'mizs Now, can any Man in his Senfes really, believe, by perufing this Letter, that ei- " as poflible, and therefore did not think. ther Dr. FRANKLIN, or any of the C010- " offending Stamp Otiicers from hence; ny-Agents conceived fuch dreadful Ideas, at that juncture, of the ('nflrzruz'fig Nature and horrid Tendency of this Stamp-Act, as have been to artfully imputed to it? K‘ but wiilied to have (if/cred and rcpzzmé No :--I am fure, he cannot in his Confci- " they were to pay the Tax, he thought " Strangers fliould not have the Emolu- " merits. " Mr. W'HEATLEY‘ therefore " wifhed us to name for our refpective " Colonies, informing ence believe any fuch Thing. Yet the whole Band of Zl/[océ-Prztrzbz‘r, and Republican-Zealots held this very Language in all their Harangues both before, and fince; " GRENVILLE would be obliged to us for reprefenting the poor Stamp-Aét as a Nioni‘ter more deftructive to the human " pointing out to him liomfl and rcfboigfléle " Men, and would pay great Regard to our Race, than the moi't terrible, dtat/z-dozizg Giants in Romance. All therefore that " Nomination. By this plaufible, and ap- can be fairly and juftly concluded from the " parently candid Declaration, we were Tenor of this Extract is, that the Colony- ‘_‘ drawn in to nominate: A nd I named for Agents, after having made that Kind of " our Province Mr. HUGHES, ‘faying at Oppofition which is twirl/[y made to awry " the fame Time, that I knew not Whe¢ f" ther he would accept of it. I was only 725w Tax, conceived, that they had gone far enough, and that now it was Time " fure m. us, that Mr. . .i . w-‘M-nfim V,A ,qfivW, " .mM_fi-vx‘.~ . _.- t' ,‘._4. . A " Me Perfons appointed in each Province, : " from among the Inhabitants, fuch as' " would be accaprtaé/e to them. "For as ' He acquainted as, that Mr, Oflggfglt/ylu/4y. ix , viii -...,..-m r»¢~em~rrwasamem-IQVQW:I~?: "‘3' \su‘ ~-..,_'i ('4 1 |