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Show 7g SERIES or ANSWERS m Land's End in Cornwall up to BRISTOL, and from Briflol to Milford-Haven: The fecond from Milfordfiawn to LIVERPOOL, and front Liverpwl to White-Haven: The third from OBJECTION XIII. White-Haven to GLASGOW, and from Gig/gm) to the farthel‘t Port in the North of Scotland: And the fourth from the North of Scotland all round to L.()NDJN, and from Lamina to the Land's End :11 Carnival! again, Now tho' the ions of Briflof, of Lima/000], Gla-fgorw, and London do [did] certainly imploy more Hands in ‘the flm‘erimn, than in the [ti/i: Trade -,- yet if you will take all the intermediate Ports into the Account, and more efpecially the Coal-Ports on F we lhould feparate from Nort/z-flmerim, what Recompence {hall we be able to make to thofe faithful A'mcricam, who have fullered for their Loyalty to the King, and their Allegiance to the Britt/l2 Government? ANSWER I. The Continuance of the War is ;by no Means a likely Method of procuring a jolt and adequate Compenfation for the unhappy Hill" the Coafls of Wales, and on the North-Weft of Sufferers. England, and of Scotland (from all which hardly a fingle Ship goes to Nartfi-Amerz‘m) you will then find, tin/hiking 3126 Balance, that my Computationfinllead of being exaggerated, is greatly deficient. Neverthelel‘s I here repeat {what I have often laid, and proved before) it by no ‘Suppofe we {houltl fubdue the flmerz'mm, and For fuppofe what is tailed the belt: Nari/z-flmerim by 2. Separation 2 Whereas it is compel them to accept of any Terms which we {hall pleale to lay upon them :---Still what ihall we get? And wherein {hall either we, or even the Loyalil‘ts he in better Circumfiances? jTis true, we {hall take l'olieflion of a large Country; but it will be a Country almoflc mined, and deferted. For molt of the Inhabi- obvious to common Senfe, that we may dam tants, mad with enthufiaftic Notions of the 1716 our Trade to Ireland, if we will meet- porate with that Kingdom, and if, by removing our abl‘urd, prohihitory, and rel'train» ing Laws, we Will make Ur both Countries, Bleflings of Independency, and letting little Value on Lands, which they know are not com- one grand Syfiem of civil Government, and commercial Polity. Mountains, will certainly retire thither, as Mr. means follows, that we lhall lofe our Trade to OBJECTIQN parable either for Goodnefs, or Healthinefs with thofe on the other Side of the Allzga/zemzy F4 BURKE |