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Show 'n-vngA‘fiimaq-"vfl"wvt ,1 -, V ,, SERIES 017 ANSWERS m " retains, and can never be deprived of his in. " tural Right (founded on a Regard to the ge~ " neral Good) or relieving himtelffrom all Op" prefiion, that is, fram every T/n'ng that has " been iznpofed upon lzim without In: own Con/ant, " this mull be the only true and proper Founda- " tion of all the Governments fubfilling in the POPULAR OBJECTIONS. 65 " every Man, when he comes to be fenhble of " his natural Rig/1:5, and to feel his own Inwar " tance, will conlider himfelf asfully Equal to any " Other Perfon whatloever. The Confideration " of Ric/m and Power, however acquired, mull " be entirely let afide, when we come to theft: " firft Principles.~ "Whoever enjoys Prapnly, " or Ric/255 in the State [whether he be Kng, " world, and that to which the People, who " compote them, have an UNALIENABLE RIGHT " to bring them back" Lconlequently, as all the " Lord, or Commoner] enjoys them for the Governments l‘ublilling in the \Norld were not built on this the only Mae and proper Founda~ tion; but were campnlfary, tyrannical, and 0,1)preflve in their Origin; therefore the People who compofe them, have an unalienable Rig/i; y " Rights of any Kind, are abufed to the Injur to pull them down, and to inl'titute others in their head, according to this new Model.) AGAIN, Pages 40-»43. " The Sum of w L L-vxw ._. II =5m 64 If. " Good of the State, is well as for liimlE or " And whenever thofe Powers, Riches, Tribu" of the whole, that awful and ultimate hath " nal [the People] in which every Citizen ION " an equal Voice, may demand the RESIGNAT where ‘§ of them. And It"? in Circumftances Public " regular Commifiions from this abufed has Power, " cannot be had, EViLRY MAN, who ments of " and who is actuated with the Senti CHARAC" the Public may afiiu‘ne 3 PUBLIC " what has been advanced upon this Head is a. " Maxim, than which nothing is more true, Wrongs. "i‘ TER, and bravely redrels public " that every Government in its original Princi- Governments were mt the that democratical, or republican ng to liihrquent Altermons, original Forms, but were owi een Prime. and People, betw which arofe from Dilputes Undoubtedly dlrmocratical Sovereigns and their Subjefls. lnllitutions in tome In- d Governments may prove goo Why heretore the People, fiances; and {0 may others.» ltl h We " ples, and antetedent to its prefent Form, is an " * EQUAL REPUBLIC; and c0nfequently, that 5‘ every aoa'Governments, lhou that is, the Subjeéls ofotherg them down in order to intro- * The Doflor would have been puzzled to have wiven a fingle Inflance ofa (lemocratical Government havinbg been the firfi, and antecedent to other Forms. On the contrary all llifiory declares, I think without a tingle hlxceptiorh that anunalienable Right to pull an equal Rap/I lie, or a demo‘ duce the [em/ling Scheme of tion, and a Parodox fit only cr-atical Government is a I'ofi ‘1 tain, for our modern Republicans to main a , " n |