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Show "we 24 _,,., : . ,7..,.~..1_w.74 "v. ‘Lugv tf-E'lfmii'i . wflm‘c .._ ‘ «c 1- "' SERIES or ANSWERS TO POPULAR OBJECTIONS. 25 Britain and Ireland have more than double, or ANSWER 3. THE Sea Coal'ts of North-flmerz'ra if there fhould be any naval Engagements be- tween the new, and old Republicans on the great Lakes of Erie, Ontario, &c. &c. me- thinks, we here in Britain can have as little to do with them in Point of national Interei't, or Honour, as we {hould have with a Sea-fight in the Moon, or in the Planets. are generally barren and unhealthy, if compared with thofe vaf't and fruitful Regions, which lie - beyond the Alliga/zaimy .Mountains, and ap- proaching the Borders of the great Lakes. Thither many of the flmerz‘cans who dwelt near Ithe'Sea Coal'ts have removed already: And the «prefent Diflzurbanceswill oblige them to do fo in ~I'till greater Numbers. New Governments and new Common; VVealths, halfcivilized and halffavage, will I'tart up in thofe difiant Regions : For every Topic and every Argument which the Sea Coalt fimerz'cam now urge againl't the Mother ' Country, will be retorted with double Force a, gainl't themfelves by the a'z'flaat Back-Settlers. Nay,i't-ran'ge Feuds and Animofities have rifen alt ready in many Places on this very Score. Sothat the Americans remaining in the SeaPort Towns will have Work enough , on their Hands to ' maintain their Authority over their own People, the remote Back-Settlers, or Eaglz'flz Tartar: (as Mr. BURKE calls them) without quarrelling with the great maritime Powers of Europe. And if ANSWER 4. GRANTING even that the Nor- thern Continent of America was to be united in one great Empire; and granting alfo that that Empire was to become formidable by Sea; ftill what Reafon is there to think, that this new maritine Power would have any Inducement either of Interei't, or Ambition to quar - rel with Great-Britain? If Conqueil was to be their Object, they furely would never think of invading and conquering Great-Briiaz'a, f0 far dil'tantfrom them; [a wild Scheme not only difficult, but morally impoliible]--- efpecially confidering, that they would have fuch inviting Objects nearer at Hand in Saar/z- flmerz‘ca, and infinitely more eafy to be {ubdued. But if their Aims were only to be directed towards the Extention and Protec- tion of their Trade and Navigation; they certainly would wilh to keep well with GreatBrz‘taz'a, their belt Cufiomer in Peace, and their molt dangerous Enemy in War. C OBJECTION "rim": ‘13-. r... $.th -w even treble", the Numberiof" good, .fafc, and deep Harbours, and are never annoyed with Ice or Fogs, which areto be found in all the rebellious Provinces of North-flmerz'ca. |