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Show "NM-n..." r... "-r-vlm- ~10 _. - 4-» ., " 48 SERIES OF ANSWERS TO POPULAR OBJECTIONS. Branthes of Trade, which we ought to have [/713and hardly credible, it induced us to thee/c and in fome Inflances almof't to pro/11M], them by Means of heavy Duties. Thus for Example, we gave for many, very many Years, :1 molt tageous Terms : That is, we may fignify to each of them (as we did formerly to Poriuga/j that in what Proportion foever, they will favour the Introduction of the Eng/2]}; Manul'aétures into their Territorie" by the Repeal or Diminution of Taxes; 1n the lame Proportion we Will admit profule Bounty (and at one Time no leis than Sl. Sterling per Ton) to the Importation of I7: tip from Almerim, as if on purpole to nurle their Bar Iron, Hemp, l itch, 'Iat, Turpentine, &c. into Grml-Britnin. Now, Reader, I alk, fuppofing thee Mealures we re purfued, '=:::;; that Country into :1 rival, 71mm] Power : But what . Lofs {hall we fullainin our B1eed of Sea- w ntgh éted to give even the l‘mallell Bounty ‘ men 9 And who will be the Sulferers in Cafe of for. the Growth of I-lemp in Ireland, as if that 8 Separation ? riflzcd: But, what is tlill more extraordinary, 49 with of Trade was not worth regarding: Tho' 1:. evnlent to aDemonI‘tration, that it ever was 11': 'l'f. our lnterell; to have promoted the Cul- t o1 Hemp in Ireland, than in flmerica ; and tho' the fertile Soil of that Ifland, particularly near the Borders of the Shannon, lEems defiined by Nature for the Growth of that Commodity.' Agam, as to pofitive (Met/1'5 and Reflmiflts by Means of heavy Duties, we have laid a Tax, not ANSWER 4. BUT we have many other Refources Hill in Referve for the Increafe of Sai~ lors, and the Encouragement of Shipping and Navigation lly the g. a "eral Ienor of the prefent Corn Laws, we dilcourage the Importation of Oats, Peafe, and Beans from Ireland, unlefs under peculiar Circumllances; though thefe are Articles which we daily want, and Articles Only on foreign Hemp, but alfo on foreign Iron, Pitch, and T?at: All which we ought not to have done; and which we ought now to undo,1n order would greatly promote the Agriculture of Great- to promote our own Welfare, and to encreale our own Qhipping and Navigation, infiead of thofe Britam.-~To make this Cafe plain, let it be obferved, that we might allot every Year much of Nari/z A'merz'czz. Therefore we have at prefcnt larger Portions of Land, than we now do [and the Land be likewife in a better State] for Wheat, for Barley, or for Barley and Clover mixt, alfo for Turneps, Vetches, Ray- Grafs, the Means in our Power of treating with the Northern P0 entates of Europe on thyadvan~ tageous likewife which would be f0 far from interfering with---that the Importation ofthem, in the Event, * Samtfoin, |