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Show 66 SERIES or ANSWERS To "- In fuch dilinal and critical Circum flances , the POPULAR OBJECTIOTNS; 67- his Oracles in the following Strain, in a little <‘ {titled Voice of an opprefi‘ed Country is a " loud Call upon every Man poll efl‘ed with a Trail, entituled, " An Addrefs to Protel'tant " Spirit of Patriotifm to exert himf elf. " proaching Election of Members of Parlia- " Difi'enters of all Denominations on the ap- [That is, to deprive theprefent Pofl'efl‘ors of their Pro- " ment with refpeét to the State of public Li- perty, Power, Riches, or Rights ofm zy Kind, or " berry in general, and of America}; Afikirs in " particular, printed for J. JOHNSON, Price hammer argzdred ; and even to dep rive them of Life itfelf, it'tliis,ielf1t're6tetl Patriot, Leg-illit1101‘, judge, and Executioner {houlcl happen to think, that the public Good requires him f0 to, do : I fay, mm of [.7ch 54/9/37, for the whole Bu~ linefs ofthe Treatife is to prove, that Ki/Zi/w in inch Cafes is a werz'larz'azz: A31]. é THUS far the celebrated Dr. PRIES'I‘LY:--~ En relation to whom I {hall add no more at pl‘C~ fent, than jufit to obferve, that this is the very Treatife which Dr. Piuct fo oft en quotes, call~ ing the Author an excellent Writer: And that :3t was circulated about wit h uncommon Indu- firy and Ardor, when the Republicans, and Mock-Patriots attempted to mile a Ferment throughout the Nation for add refiing the Ki to difi'blve the Parliament. But his M- ne: (God for ever blefs him) like ano ther F ABIUS IMAXtMus,---CUNCTANDO REST ITUIT REAL LET us now hear another of thefe {age Ena lighteners of modern Times~3 who pronounces his " 2d, or 50 Copies for 53." At Page: 8 and 9 of this Performance, [0 replete with Infiruétion, the Author is pleafed to tell us, that " The " Hope of l‘v'lankind, who have f0 [072g beard 9‘ éafed and trampied 21pm by Forms of 243531243 ‘4‘ Government, is, that this horrible Evil [05 it unequal Government] may find its own: A}:" riders and Care. KiNGs being always worfc 6‘ educated than other Men, the Race of them: ~‘ may be expeEted to degenerate "till they be 4‘ little better than IDEOTS, as is the Cafe already, G‘ 6‘ it " with feveral of them "mile/It to in named: And it is laid, will be the Cafe with others, whim the prefent reigning Princes {hall be nomore: ‘Nhilll thofe who are not the Objefts " of anrempz‘, will be the Objects of Hat/rt? "'3 and Excrmtz'mn " IN this Situation [where tome Kings are ‘5 ldeots, and others Tyrants] the Temptation 6‘ to Men to afi‘ert their natural Rights [the "- Rights of equal Government} and to [size the " invaluable |