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Show a i. -l w "gar-11x» m'aa-‘fi,w. h'éw'fiflrzfl Argument refuted-,~not one Conclufion dif- Rights and Liberties in any Reflefl whatever. For indeed our perform! Rights are nearer and proved. dearer to us, and are more efTentially our own [our own Property] than any adventitious Acceflion‘ of Lands or Tenements, Goods or been the only Mode adopted for anfwering thefe Treatifes. The Reader therefore will be at no Lois in difcovering the true and only Reafon, why other Kinds of Anfwers were not given. Cliattels; Nay, in Fact, without the former, it would be impofiible either to acquire, or to en' joy the latter. Low, fcurrilous Epithets, fuch as r/zz'ldi/lz, iii/fondly, mercenary, mad, 86c. 85c. have: BUT it is rather fingular, and to fome Perfons may appear unaccountable, why fo hi my of the HENCE herefore it followsa fortiorz', that the Act of Navigation, and every other refirainin-g or prohibn‘iry law made long ago, without xlmerz'mm tlienile1ves, and why all their republican Abettors here at Home, {hould condemn -' r.;.. nmg v- , praeiaufly obtained for dive/3mg him, her, or them of any Part of his, her, or their natural INTRODUCTION. xi been attempted to be anfwered; not one capital Faé‘t pretended to be denied ,w- not one "Zia-f:"Apr-m...» ‘4, INTRODUCTION. x. x "7"", 12:»: this Propol‘al of an amicable Separation with in the Choice oi Concurrence of the flmericmzs ei- ther by thei'nltlves or their Reprefentatives, yet enforced by a Corifilcation of Goods, an Impri- lionment or their l'eribns, and by various other fuch Aliperity of Language, as they have been known to do, and with fuch heavy Execrations "ii ‘3. on its Author -,---a Propofal, which 13:5; cannot but confels, would put a total End to all their i ‘1 Purzill‘iments 3-, mull, according to prefent Complaints, and redrefs every Grievance s this ifottrine, be a more notorious Violation of .a their natural lights and Property, and indeeda pretended to be impofed upon them by Gretzlg Britain. much fixer Tax, than a paultry Halfpenny Stamp laid on a Newsl'aper. 'l‘herefore be« NEVERTHELESS, it is not difficult to find out tween Separation and legal Subjeélion there can the Caufe of fuch Overflowings of Malevolence. be no I‘vledium :m-II‘here‘ is no Line to be Every flizzerz'mn, who is not intoxicated with the drawn. vilionary Schemes of a growing Empire, and or corporal perfonal Grandeur, well knows, that the petty a i; I l l! l THE former Treatiles, written by the Author in Favour of a total Separation, have never ' been flmerz'crm States and Republics could not fubfilt B 2 in |