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Show KALENDARIUM WOR TENS E. § rifes-07'-34™ Sun3 2 Cfets-04 --26 § Se ple Loy lo be done Y ee To bedone Inthe Parterre, and Falower-Garden, andOlztory-Garden. Co Compoft out of your Melon-ground, or turn, and mingleit with the 4 COw Auricula feeds thus 3 prepare veryrich earth, more than half dung, 4 hasheap fieft fome very light fawdy mould, and the earth gotten out of ‘ earth, andlayit in Ridges ready for the Spring: Alfo trench, and fit groundfor Artichocks, cvc. Continue your Setting, and Tranfplanting of Trees; lofe no time, hard Frofis come on apace: Yet you maylay bare old roots. Plant young Trees, Standards, or Mural, Furnith y our Nurfery with Stocks to graff on the following year. Sow, and fet early Beans, and Peafe till Shrove-tides and now lay upin your Cedars for fpending, and for Seed, to be tranfplanted at Spring, Carrots, Parjneps, Turneps, Cabbages, Canllyflowers, & Cut off the tops of Afparagwus.and coverit with long-dung,or make Bedsto plant in Spring, cme, Now, in a dryday, gather yourlaft Orc hard-fruits, Yake up your Potatos tor Winter (pending, there will enough remainfor ck, though neverfo exaGly gather’d, o}d hollow Willow-trees 3 and then fows fet yourCafes or Pans jn the S#ntill March, or April. Cover your peeping Razunculus’s, Ge. And {ee the Advicein Afarch, for Ever-green Seedlings ; efpecially, if long Sows, and bitter winds be feared. Nowis your be feafon (the weather open) to plant yourfairelt Tulips in e off fhelte E ala ers places fhelter, and under Efpali but let not your earth be toorich; i vide Oober. Tranfplant ordinat afmine, Ore, About the #iddle of this Atoneth Corfooner, if weath er require.) quite en- elofe yourtender Plants, and perennial Greens, Shrubs,ce. in your Conferva- tory, fecluding allentranceofcold, and efpecially fharp minds; and if the Plants become exceeding dry, andthat it do not actua llyfreeze, refreth them Sparingly with qualified water, Ci.) mingled with a little Sheeps, or Com-dung : ff th ?afon prove exceeding piercing (which you mayknow bythefreezzn g of di/h of water, or moiltned Cloth, fet for that purpofe in your Green house) kindle fome Charcoals, and when they have done {mos king, put them in a hole {unka little into the floor about the middle ofit + This is the fafett y Atall other times, when the aér is warm’d bythe beams ofa fine day, and that the Sz darts full uponthe howe, without the lealt wind {tirring, fhew them the light; but enclofe them again before the sun be gone off: ote, That you mult never give your Alves, or Sedums one drop of water during the whole Wixter: And indeed, you can hardly be too fpariag of Water to your hous'dplants ; the not obferving ofthis, deftroys more Plants Fruits in Prime, ot yet lafting. Belle-bonwe the Wllice Apples, ¢ i ‘He He Belle -bonne, the William, Summer Pear : main. Lording-apple, Pear| apple, Cardinal, Winter Cheff -zut, Short-ftart, ae, and fome ‘othe rs of the former twolaft Moneths, ec. Vellsve 4 7 Meffi Dp re joa Lord 5 > -pea r, long Berg amot, Ward en (to bake) Burnt-Cat, g4r-p ear,9 Ney Hat: sad aay4 , pear, Tee-pear » Dove Dove-pea pe. r D ea dmans-pe pear, weS-par, ear, Wint BH 4 Sue eroY Berg j Bergaamot , Arbutus, Bullis, Medlars. Services thanall the rudenefles of the Seafon : To know when they want refre thing, confider the eaves 5 if th rivel and fold up, give them drink; if pale,and whitifh, they have already too much; andthe defect is at the root s, which arein peril of rotting. If your Aloes grow manifeltly too dry, expofe it a while to the air, when clear, ‘twill immediately recov fe er thems but give I : n not a drop of water howdryfoever their p € your choiceft Carnations, or rather fet them under a Pent-hou| ainft a South-wall, fo as a Covering being thrown over them to preferve hem inextremity of weather, they may yet enjoythefreer air at all ovher cic times, Prepare alfo Mattraffes, Boxes,? Cafes, Pots, 3 vc. for fhelter to you f JZ 7 > on ints and Seedlings newly fown, if the weather proveverybitter. Plant Rofes, Althe a frutex, Lilac, Syringas, Cytifits., Peonies, oe, lant alfo Fibrous roots, {pecifted in the precedent Adoneth. owalfo frony-feeds mentionedin OGober. ks, Avennes, and Groves. len-walks,and all other places, sii ds cee aeeres® from Autum isteoie wers 10 Lrime, Or yet lajting. ; Oy ge Wizo pre ake MeadowSaffron, Antirrhinum, Stock-gilly-flo. Bellis,Clema Carnations, double Violets, 7¢, Myrtils, Musk Rofe, &e. Vetonica, Spanifh an 4 |