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Show POMONA: Or, dn Appendix concerning Fruit- Trees, &c. CHAP. II. CHAP. IIL Of Graffs and Infitions. Of Stocks. He former thus eftablith’d, after all bumours and varieties have been fufficiently wearied, we fhall find the Wilding to bethe hardieft and moft proper Stock for the moft delicate Frait : This confirm’d by Varro, lib. 1. cap. 40. I” quamcunq; arboren inferas, &c. and ‘tis with reafon : However they do in Herefordfire, both in practice, and opinion, limit this Rule; and to pre- ferve the guft of anydelicate Apple (as of the Pear-main, @uince- Apple, Stockin, Kc.) rather graff upon a Gewmet-Moyle or Cydoddin-Stock,, (as there call’d) than a Crab-ffock; but then indeed they conclude the Tree lafts not fo long; and ‘tis obferv'd, That Apples are better tafted from a clean, light land, &c. than from ftiffer clay, or the more pinguid and luxurious foil, whence we mayexpect fome affiftance fromthe civility of the Stock, which is akind of prepared Soil, or foundationtothe Graff; even as our very Tranplantatiozs into better ground is likewife a kind of MX choice of your Graffs from a conftant and well-bearing Branch. : Andasthe Stock hath a more verdarit rind, and is capable to yield more plenty of jxice, fo let the Graff have more Fyes or Buds Ordinarily three or four Eyes arefutticient to give iffueto the Sap5 but as well in Apples, and Pears, asin Vimes, thot Graffs or Cions are preferr'd in which the buds are not too far afunder, or diftant from the foot thereof: and fucha number of buds ufu: ally determining the length of the Graff, there may divers Cioxs be made ofone Branch, where you cannot procure plenty of them for feverals. Asto the fuccefs ofgraffing,the main point is,to joyn the inward rind of the Cion to the inward rind of the Stock, fothat thefap of the Oe, may there meet with the fapof the Other, and thele parts fhould be joyn’d clofeiy , but not too forceably 5 that being the beft and moft infallible way, by which moft of the quick andjui- Graffing. Thusin like manner our Mafter Varro, loco citato concerning Pears, Si in Pyrum Sylvaticam, &c. The Wild-ftock does enliven the dull and phlegmatie-4pple, and the Stock of a Gemzet-Atoyle whenthe wedge is drawn out of thecleft, let the inner fide of the {weeten and improve an 4pple that feems over-tart, asthe Pome. roy, or fome Greening, &c. or may rather feem to abate at leaft {ome that {6 the woody part of the Cioz may bear the ftrefs, andthefappy Apple over-tart and fevere. Your Crab-fiock would be planted about Ofober, at thirty two Foot diftance, and notgraffedtill the third Spring after, orat teaft not before thefecond. But if your defign be for Orchard only, and where they are to cyparts are mutually united, efpe cially towards the bottom. Ifthe Stock be fo big as to endanger the pinching of your Graff, Graff, which is within the wocd of the Stock, be left the thicker, part be preferved from bruifing. Some by an happy-hand, do with goodfuccefs Graff without cleaving the Stockat all, only by Incifions in the Rind, as the Induftrious Mr. Auftin teaches us ¢ Butfince this is not for every Rusfic hand, nor feems tofortifie fo ftrongly againft impetuous Wixds, before the Union be Secure, abide, an interval of fixteen Foot fhall fuffice for the Dwarfifh there had need be fome extraordinarydefence. kind, orinthe Grounds where the Red ftrake, or other Fruit-trees are of {mall bulk, provided the ground be yearly turn’d up with place where you intend to graff: Ifthe Stock, beall knotty (which the Spade, and the diftance quadrupled wherethe Plough has priviledge; this being the moft expedite for fuch as have no Narfery ground. Choofethe ftreighteft and fmootheft part of the Stock for the fome efteem no impediment) or crooked, rectifie it with the fitteft pofture of the Graff. For a Graff cov-t not a Cions too flender; for the Suz and Wind will fooner enforce it to wither: Yet are we to diftinguifh, that for Inoculation, we take the Bud froma fprig of the laft years fhoot; and moft allow that the Czoms fhould alfo have fomeof the former with it, that it may be the ftronger to graff, and abide to be put clofe into the Stock, which is thought to advance it in bearing. In Hereford hire they do frequently choofe a Graffof feveral years growth 3 andfor the graffing of fuch large Stocks asare taken out of the Woods or Nurferies, and fitted into rows for Orchards, they choofe not the Graffs fo {mall as in other Countyies theyre- 2 quire |