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Show The ErisTLeE DeEbDIcATORY, have been Propagated withinthe three Nations, at the Inftigation, and by the Direétion of thu to Builders ; if dueReflections be made on that Work ; and that the Author of it #able (if need require_) to makeit out, by a competent Vo- lume of Letters, and acknowledgments, which are cometo his hands from feveral Perfonsofthe moft eminent Quality ; manyof them\lluftrious, and divers of themunknownto him,in juftification of what he afferts, which be the rather preferves with the more care ; becaufe they are Te- {timonials from fo many honourable Perfouns, 0 the Benefit they have receiv'd from the Endeavours ofthe RoyalSociety, which,now adayes, deplorable Calamity, the Conflagration ofyour Imperial City ; which nevertheleffe by the Blef: fing of GOD, and your Majelties gracious Influence, we defpair not offeeing Rile again, aNew, .and much more Glorious P HOENIX. : Ths TRIBUTE, I now once more lay at the Feet of our ROYAL FOUNDER :: May your Majelty be pleas'd, to be Invok'd by that no Inglorious TITLE inthe profound: eff Submiflions of paffes through fo many Cenlures; but, fhe basyet your Majelty for ber Founder and Patron,and is therefore thelefs concern’d; frnce no man of worth can likely fpeak ill of an Affembly, which your Majelty bas thoughtfit to dignifie, by fo fignal a Gracious Sir, Says-Court Aug.24- 16 695 Your Mayetties Relationtoit. It is nowaboutfive years paft,that your Maje- {ty mas pleas’d 10 declare your favourable Accep- tance of a Vreatile ofArchite@ure which I then prefented to you, with many gracious expreffions,, and that it was a moft uletul Piece. Sir, That Encouragement (together with the fuccels both ofthe Bookit felf, andof thefirft Edition of this) bas animated meto make a fecond Oblation to you of thefe Improvements : Norwas it cer- tainly, without fome Provident Condué , that we have been thus folicitous to begin as it mere ‘ with Materials for Building , and Diredtions to Ever Loyal, moft obedient, and Faithful Subject, and Servant, | |