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Show Or, Aa Appendix concerning Fruit- Trees, &e; Séque ferosfylvis hortatur linquere mores. Et parti gaudet nobiliore frui. Pallad, de Infitionib. lib. 14. POMONA: vitibusfruduariis, pag. 265. could recount the graffing of Vines amona(t the wonders of Afodern Inventions. But it feems Varre and his Contemporaries did extend the praétice beyond Cato; and Columella proceeded further than Varro, even toall fortsof Trees, however differing in nature, quality, bark, or feafon: And then PaWadins affumesthe refule, and gives usthe particulars of the fuccefs in his Poew, De Infitionibus. And tothefe four as in chief (no phantaftical or counterfeit perfons) we refer the Induftrious: But be pleas’d totake this note alfo: As foon as your Graff hath attained to a fecond, or at fartheft a third years growth, take it off the Stock, and then graff it upon a Stock of a more zatural kind: Forin our own Trials we havefound a graff profper the {econd year exceeding well; yet the third the whole growth at onee blafted quite to the very Stock, as if Varro’s Augurs had {aid the word. To thisadd, the making ufe of fuch Stocks as in this Experiment maycontribute fome fpecial aid to feveral kinds of humane Jafirmities: As fuppofe the Birch Tree for the Stone, the Elw for Fevers, &c. For ‘tis evident, that by fuch Infitions, the Branch may convert the Sap of the Root even ofanother fpecies into its ownnature, and alter all its properties; thoughin fome they dominere,as the Branch of the Apple in the Rhamuus, or Mezerea, acquires.a Purgative quality, And by thefe means why may notthe Fruit byeffectual Marriages be rendred Cordial, Afiringent, Pur- Zative, Sudorific, Soporiferous, and even Deliterious and Mortal: But this we only bint. Moreover, To graff rather the Wilding, or Crab, than the Pepin, becaufe the Wilding is the more natural 3 and Nature does more delight in progre/s, than to be Retrograde and go back+ wards, I fhould alfo expect far more advancefrom a more pungentfap, than from Infipid ; as generally we fee the belt and vigorous juices to falute our Palats with a more agreeable piguancy and tartnefss forfo we find the rellifh of the stocking: Apple, Golden Pepin, Pearmain, Eliot, Harvy, andall (both Ruffetings and Greenings) to be more poignant than of others. And here we note from Paladins, That the Ancients had the fuccefs which we all,and particularly Sir H. Plat, does fo frequently deny, as in the particular of graffing the Apple on the Pear, & contra, Let ushear himde Pomo. The Graffed-Crab its bufhy Head does rear, Much Aseliorating the inferted Pear: Its felf to leave its Wildwefs doesinvite, And ina Nobler iffue to delight. Infita proceris pergit concrefcere ramis, Etfociams mutat malus amica Pyrun: _ But poffibly Paladins aflum'd this Poetical expreffion, uponpr fumption, that no man in his days durft degrade the moft excelleent Quinceto {upport the Cyon of another Frit, which then muft be of lefs efteem, but we by our /wxury have found the fuccefg, And we have good argument to believe; That Virgil, and CoInmella, in feveral of their wonderful Relations of thefe kinds of mixture, (which but for the prolixity we might now recite) did notfofar affect Wonders as to defert the truth. You may alfo obferve, That as wellthe French Gardin er, and our Modern Planters, have found the fame benefit from the Stock of the Quince, as old Palladins did, it feems, acknowledge 5 yet (as he conceiv'd) more hofpitable ftill with its own kindred, and that Though the Quince-ftock admit all other Fruit, Its Cyox with no other ftock will fuit : Scorning the Barkof Forreign Trees, does know Such lovely Fruit on no mean /eem can grow : But the Quince-Graff, to the Quince-ftockis joyn’d, Contented only to smproveits kind. Cumpraltet cunétisfefulua cydoniapomis, Alterins nullo creditur hofpitio. Roboris externi librum 4/pernatafuperbit, Scit tautumnullbo crefcere poffe decus: Sed propriispandens cognata cubilia ramis, Stat, contertafunm nobilitare bonum. Pallad. de Malo Cydonio, Laftly, We did by unexpected chancefind the facility of graffing the very youngett Stocks, even of one years growth, by the Root: Ata fecond removal of the Stocks (being then of two years growth) we obferved fome Roots fo fat clofed together into one, asnot to be divorced: Hereupon we concluded,If cafualty, or negligence, chance of {pade, or oppreffion of neighbourhood did this, by Art it might be done more effectually, and pofflibly to fome defirable purpofe ; for that then theftock was more apt to receivea maftering Ivpreffion; and any Garden Plant whatfoever might by thisproce/s interchange and mingle their Roots, But this can extend no farther thanthe Stock may prevail with the Graff, And thus we haveprefented our diligent Ciderift with what Obfervations and Arguments of Encouragement, grounded onfre- quent Experzence, we have received from our moft ingenious Correfpondents, efpecially the Learned and truly Candid D* Beale, in whofe Perfon we have fo long entertain’d you: and to thefe we could add tundry others, were it not now time whiles we difcourfe of |