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Show A Difcourfe of Foreft-Trees, 192 Chap. XXXI, The belt Wood for this is good Oak, cut into lengths of three foot, as theyfizeit for the Stack: This is better than the Cord- wood , thoughof. a large meafure, and much us’d in Effex, The Wood cut, and fetin Stacks ready for the Coaling,chufe out fome level place inthe Copfe, the moft free from ftubs, ce, to make the Hearth on : In the midft of this area drive down aftake for your Centre, and with a pole, having ring faften’d to one of the extreams ‘(or elfe with a Cord put over the Centre ) defcribe a Circumference from twenty, or morefeet Semidiameter, according to the quantity of your Wood defign’d for Coaling y which being neer may conveniently be Chared in that Hearth; and which at one time maybe 12,.16, 20, 24, even to 30 flack: If 12 therefore be the quantity you will €oal, a Circle whofe diameter is 24 foot, will fuffice for the Hearth; If 20 flack ya diameter of 32 foot 5 If 30, 40 foot, and fo proportionably. ’ Having thus marked out the ground, with Asattocks, Haws, and fit In{truments,bere it of the Zurf,and of all other combuftible tuff whatfoever, which youare to rake up towards.the Peripherie, or out-fide of the Circumference, for an ufe tobe afterwards made of it; plaining, and levellingthe ground within the Gre/e : This done, the Woodis to be brought from the neareft parts where it is ftackd,in Wheel-barrows ; and firlt the fmalleft of it placid at the utmoft limit, or very margin of the Hearth, whereit is to be fet long: wayes,as it lay in the fiacks the biggeft of the Wood pitch; or fet upon end round about againft the fwall-mood , and all this within thecircle, till you comewithinfive, or fix foot of the Cen. tre; at which diftance you hall begintofet the Wood in a Triana gular form (as inthe following Print, 2.) tillit come to be three foot high - Againft this again, place your greater Wood almoft perpendicular, reducing it from the triangular to a circular form 3 till being come within a yard of the Centre, you may Pile the Wood long-wayes, as it lay inthe Stack, being careful that the ends of the Wood do not touch the Pole, which muft now be erected in the Centre, nine foot in height, that fo there may remain a round hole, whichis tobe form’d in working upthe Stack wood y for a Tunneland the more commodious firing of the pit, as they callit, though not veryproperly. This provided for, go onto Pile, and {et your Wood upright to the other, as before; till haying gained a yard more, you layit long-wayes again, aswasfhew'd : And thus continue the Work, {till enterchanging the pofition of the Wood, tillthe whole Area of the Hearth and Circle be filltd > and pil’d upat the leaft eight foot high, and fo drawn ix by degrees in Piling, thatit refemble the form of a copped brown Houjfhold-loafy filling all inequalities with the {maller Truschions 5 tillit lye very clofe,and be perfedtly, and evenlyfhaped, This done,t akefram; haumey or ferne, andlayit onthe out-fide of the bottome of the heap, Or wood , to keep the next cover from falling amongf the ficks + Upon tlés, put onthe Tarf, and caft on the duft and.tRubih which was grubb‘d,and raked upat the making ofthe ny an Chap, XXXI. A Difcourfe of Foreft-Trees. and_referved near the circle of it; with this coverthe whole heap of Woodto the very top of the Pit,or Tunnel, to a'reafon able,and competent thickneffe, beaten‘clofe and even, that fo the fre may not veut but inthe places where you intend it; and if in prepar- ing the Hearth,at firft, there did notrife fufficient Turf and Rub- bifh for this Work , fupply it from fome convenient place near to your heap + ‘There be who coverthis again witha Jandy, or finer mould, which if it clofe well, need not be above an iachor two thick : This done, provide a Screene 5 by makinglight Aurdles with lit rods , and ftraw of acompentthicknefle, to keep off the Wind, and broad, and high enough to defend an oppofite fide to the very top of your Pit, being eight or nine foots and fo as to be eafily remov’d as need thall require for the. /wing. of your p7t. When now all isin this pofture, and the Hod well rang?d, and clos'd, as has beendiredted , fet frre to your heap : But firlt you mutt provide you of a Ladder to afcend the top of your Pit: this they ufually make of acurved Tiler fit to apply to the convex thape of the Heap, and cutit full of notches for the more com. modious fetting their Feet, whiles they govern the Fire above; therefore now they pull up, and take away the Stake which was erected at the centre to guid the building of the Pile 3 and cavity of the Tuxnel. This done, put in a quantity of Char-coals (about a peck) and Jet them falltothe bottomof the Hearth 3 Upon caft in coats that are fully kindled ; and when thofe which them were firft put in are beginning to fink, throw in more fuely and foyfrom time to time,till the Coals have univerfally takenfire up to the top: Then cut an ample and reafonable thick Turf, and clapit over the hole, or wouthof the Tunnel , {topping it as clofe as may be with fome of the former duft and rubbith : Laftly withthe handles of your Rakers, or the like, youmuft make Vent-holes y or Regifters (as our Chymif?s would name them) through the {tuff which vers your Heap to the very Wood, thefe in ranges of two or cothree foot diftance quiteround within a foot ( or thereabout ) of the top, though fome begin themat the bottom: A day after, begin another row of doles a foot and halfbeneath the former; andfo more, tll theyarrive to the ground , as occafion requires, Note, that as the Pit does coal and fixk towards the centre, it iscontinu- ally to be fed with thort, andfitting Wood, that no part remain fir'd 5 andifit chars fatter at one part thanat another,there az clofe upthe vewt-boles, and open themwhere need is : A Pit will in this manner be burning off, and charing, five y or fix dayes, and asit coals, thefake from thick and grofs clouds,will grow more blew, and livid, and the whole mafs fink accordingly 5 fo as by thefe indications you maythe better know how to {top » and govern your Jpiracles. Two or three dayes it will onely require for cooling , which (the vents being ftopp'd ) they aflilt, bytaking now off the outward covering with a Rabilor Rubbers, but this, not for a« bove the {pace of one Jara breadth at.atime 5 and firft they remove 4493 |