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Show A Difcourfe of Foreft-Trees. ‘Chap.XXVI_ will laft above a year or two good: Another fort comes alf out of Syria of a yellow hue; Likewife from Spaiz, whiter than the reft, willrefift the water, butis of an ill fent. 1 have beentold that the- Cortex of our Lanxtona or Wayfaring fhrub , will make ag good Bird: lime as the beft. But, let thefe fuffice , being more than as yet, any onehas publifh’d, The fuperiour Leaves of Holly-Trees dry'd to a finepowder, and drunkin White-mineis prevalent againft the Stone, and cures Fluxes; and a dozen of the mature Berries being fwallow’d, purge Phlegme without danger. 19. Of Funiper wehave three forts, (Male , Female, Dwarf) whereof oe is muchtaller, and morefir for Improvement: The wood is yellow, and fweet as Cedar,whereof it is accounted a _fpurions kind. 20. [have rais’d them abundantly oftheir feeds (neither wa- tring nor duxging the foile) which intwo moneths wil! peep, and being governdlike the Cyprefs, apt for all the employments ofthat beautitul Trees To make it grow tall, prune and clenfe it to the very fiem, the wale belt. The difcreet loofening of the Earth about the Roots alfo makesit ftrangely to prevent your expe(lations by fuddenly fpreading into a bwhfit for a thoufand pretty Employments; forcoming to be much unlike rhat which grows wild) and is fubject to the treading and cropping of Cattle, cee. it may be form’d into moft beautiful and ufeful Hedges : My Brother has ving cut out of one onely Tree an Arbour capable for three to fit in: Tt was at mylaft meafuring fever foot fquare , and eleverin height and would certainly have been of amuchgreater altitude and fare therfpreading , were it not continually kept fhorz: But whatis moft confiderable is the little time fince it was planted, being yet hardly tew years.and then it was brought out of the Common aflene der Buh of about twofoot high : But Ihave experimented a propor- tionable improvement in my own Gardez , where I do mingle them with Gprefe, and they perfectly become their ftations, Iwoolen Virgil {hould condemn its fhadow, I fufpect him mifreported : For. a1. The Berries afford (befides a tolerable Pepper) one of the moft univerfal Remedies in the world to our crazy Forrefter; The Berry fwallow’d onely , inftantly appeafeth the Wind: Collique y and in decoétion moft Joveraign againft an inveterate Cough: Theyare of rare effect being {teeped in Beer, The Water is a moft fingular [pecifique againft the Gravel in the Reins 5 But all is comprehended in the virtue of the theriacle or Eleéuary, which I have often made for my poor Neighbours , term'd the Forreffers Panaica againft the Stone,and maywell be Rhenme Prtific Dropfie, Faundies, inward Impoftumes nay, Palfie , Goute and Plague it felftaken like Venice-Treacle. Of the extracted Oyle (with that of Nwts) ismadeanexcellent good Vernifh for Pilures , for Woods work andto preferve polih'd Iron from the ruf?. The Gumis good torub onparch ment to make itbear Izk, andthe Coals, which are mice of the Wood, endure the longeft of any. See Saint Hierom. ad Faviolam upon that expreflion P/al. 120 ‘v, 4. Ifit arriveto full growth Chap.XXVI, A Difcourfe. of Foreft-Trees. 134 growth it is Timber for many curious works; for Tables. Chefts, {mall Carvings and Inages, fpoons, wholefome to the mouth 5 fpits to roft meat on, to whichit gives a rare ta/fe , butit fhould be old and dry wood; nay,I read offome large enough for beams and rafters, The very Chips render a wholefom perfume within doors , as well as the dufty blofoms in Spring without. 22. And fince we now mention’d Pepper, it is by the moft pru- dent, and princely care of his Adajefty that Lam aflur’d of a late {oJemn 4¢ of Councel,enjoyning the preferving of that incomparable Spice which comes to us from Jamaica under that denomination ; though intruth it be a mixture of fo many Aromatics in one, that itmight as well have beencall'd Cinnamon Nutmeg or Mace,to eve- ry of whichit feems fomething a/ed: Andthatthereis not onely prohibited the deftruction of thefe Trees (for it feems fome Prod:als usd to cut them downfor the more eafie gathering) but order taken likewife for their propagation , and that Afays and Samples be from time to time fent over , what other Fruits, Trees,Gums and Vegetables may there be found , and which 1 prognoftick will at laft alfo incite his Afajeffy, and the Planters there to think ofpro- curing Cinnamon , Cloves and Nutmeg-trees indeed from the Eaft4ndias , and what other ufeful Curiofisies will not approach our Northern Beare ( and that are incicurabiles among{t us) and to plant them in fasaica, and other of his Adajefties Weflern Ifands, amore fafe and frugal expedient to humble our eu/oxs Neigh- bours; fince there isnothing in their Situation, or defect of Netures benignity , which oughtin theleaft to difcourage us: And whatif fome of the Trees of thofe Countrys (efpecially fuch as af pire to be Timber, and may be of improvement amongft us) were more frequently brought to ws likewife here in Exgland; fince we daily find how many rare Exotics and {trangers with little care , become exdenizon'd, and {0 contented to live amongft us, as may be feen inthe Platanus , Conftantinople-Chefs-nut , the greater Glandiferos Ilex, Cork, Nux Veficaria (which is an hard Woodfit for the Turner, &c.) the Styrax, Bead-tree , the famous Lotus , Virginian Acatia,Guaicum Patavinun, Paliurus, Cypre[s, Pines Fir , and fundry others , which grow already in our Gardezs expos'd to the Weather; and{o doubtlefs would wany more : So judicioufly obferv'd is that of the learned Author of the Hiffory of the Royal Society, Part. 3. Se, 28. © That whatever attempts of this nature * have fucceeded, they have redounded to the great advantage of * the Undertakers, ‘The Orange of China being oflate broughtinto * Portugal , has drawn a great Revenew every year from London ‘alone. The Vine of the Rhene taking root inthe Canaries, has * produc’d a far more delicious juyce,and has made the Rocks and *Sun-burnt Afhes of thofe J/fands, one of the richeft {pots of “Ground in the World. And I will alfo inftance in that which is “now ina good forwardnefle: Virginiahas already given Silk for “the cloathing of our King; and it may happen hereafterto give © Cloathes toa great part of Europe, and a vaft Treafure » our ings 3 |