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Show KALENDARIUM Kalendartum Hortenfe. JANUARY, SY, Hath Days ANUATKH os 108-007 Note, that for Sun theRifing and fets-04 ~00 ; pS oe Setting of the § and seni if the days, I com- Cage > i ak 00 XXXL, Tobe done $tong-8c XXXL. In the Parterre, and Flower-Garden. To be done In the Orchard, and Olitory-Garden. Moncth. Lon- onal HORTE NSE Ese Rench the Ground, and makeit ready for the Spring : pre} pare alfo Soil, and ufe itwhere you have occafion : Dis Borders, Gre. uncover as yet Roots of Treesy where Ablaqueation is requifite. ; gp Plant Quick-fets, and Tranfplant Fruit-trees, if not finith’d * seeM Rofes Set * Vines, and begin to prume the old: Prune the branches of ee cs, Orchard-frnit-trees 5 efpecially the long planted, and that towards thedecreafe: but for fuch as are newly planted, they need not be disbranchedtill the Sap beginsto ftir, that {6 the wound may be healed with the Scar, and Stub, which ourfrofts do frequently leave: Inthis work cut off all the fhoot of Auguft, unlefsthe nakednefs cf placeincline you to {pare it: Confult my French Gard ocr, part 1. fee. 3. for this isa moft material Addrefs. You may now begin to Naéle, and trim your Wall-frxét, and Efpaliars. Cleanfe Irees of Mofs, @c. the Weather moift. \ Et up your Traps for Vermines elpecially in your Nurféri es of Kernels and Stones; and amoneft your Bulbous-Roots : About the middle ofthis Afozeth, plant your Avemony-root s, and Ranuyculws's, which youwill befecure of, without coverin g, or farther trouble - Preferve from too great, and cc ntinuing Rains Cif they happen) Swow and Froff, your choiceft Anemoniesy and Rananc u/us’s fow'd in September or Oober for earlier Flowers : Al{o your Carnations, and fuch Seeds as are in peril of being wath’d out, or over-chill'dand frozen 5 covering them under fhelter, and ftriking off the Svow where itlies too Weighty 3 for it certain ly rots, and burfts your y-fet Anemonies and Ranunculus’s c&c.unlefs planted nowinthe Hot-bed 5 for now is the Seafon, andtheywill flower €vénin London. Towards the end, earth-up, with frefh and light mould, the Roots of thofe Auriculas which the frofts may have uncover’d 5 filling up the chivks about the fides of the Pots where your choiceftare fet : but they need not be hous'd s it isa hardy Plant. Gather Cyons for Graffs before the buds f{prout ; and about the latter end, Graff them in the Stock, Pears, Cherries and Plums, and remove yourKerzel-/focks to more commodious diftances in your "Vide March Nurfery, cutting off the * top-root : Set Beans, Peafe, Orc. Sowalfo (if youpleafe) for early Caully-flowers. SowChervil, Lettuce, Radifh,and other (more delicate) Sallet- Flowers in Prime, oryet lafling. ings, if you will raife in the Hot- bed, Inover-wet, or hard weather, cleanfe, mend, frarpen and prepare Gardex-tools. Turnup your Bee-bives, and fprinkle them with alittle warm and {weet Wort ; doit dextroufly. Fruits in Prime, and yet lafting. J Inter-Aconite, fome Anemonies, Winter-Cyclamen, BlackHellebor, Brumal-Hyacinth, Oriental-Jacinth, Levantine- Narciffus, Hepatica, Prim-rofes, Laurus-tinus, Mezereon , Precoce Tulips, Ge. efpecially, if rais’d in the Hot-bed. Note, That boththefe Fraits, and Flowers, are more early, or tardy, both as to their prime Seaféns for eating, and perfection of blowing, according as the Soil, and Situation are qualified by Nature, or Apples. Km pepis,, Ruffet-pepin, Golden-pepin , French-pepin, Kirtonpepin, Holland:pepin, ‘Jobn- apple, Winter-Queexing , Marigold, Harvey-apple, Pome-water, Pome-roy, Golden-Dou img, Lones-Pearmain, Winter-Pearmain , Oc. U cet, Reinet- Pears. Winter-Awsk (bakes well) Winter-Norwich (excél ked) Winter-Bergamot, Winter-Bon-crestiew, both lently baAdwral: the great surredn, &c. Accident, Note alfa, That inthis Recenfion of Monethly Flowers, it is to be under- ftoodfor the whole period that any Flower continue s, fromits firft Appearing, to its final withering, |