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Show KALENDARIUM KALENDARIUM HORTENSE. Mae ¢ riles-o4k-00" € fets-- 08"-00 SL 8 SUE ey 5 5} ¢ Hath Days g 2 XXxi, {ong558 rifes-04h.co” 2 sun} fets-08 --00 ws : In the Orchard, and Olitory-Garden. for the now Bearers commonly perifh, the zew ones fucceedi 2 Cut clofé and ever, purging your Wall-fruit of faperfluous leaves whichnghinder from the Suz 5 but doit difcreetly. You maynowalfo begin to Inoculate. Let fuch O/étory-herbs run to feed as you would fave. Towards the later end, vifit your Vineyards again, @c. and ftop the exuberant fhoots at the fecondjoynt above thefruit (if not finifh’d before); but not fo asto expofe it to the Sum, without fome umbrage. Remove long-fided Cabages planted in May, to head in Autumne 5 ’tis the beft Cabage in the World Nowbegin toftreightea the entrance of your Bees a little ; and help them tokell their Drones it you obferve too many5 fetting the new-invented €zcurbit-Glaffés of Beer mingled with Honey, to entice the Wafps, Flies, Gc. which watte your flore: Alfo hang Bottles of the fame Mixture neer your Red- Roman-NecLarines, and other tempting fruits, for their deftrudtion; elfe they many times invade your beft Frit. Look nowalfo diligently under the feaves of Atwral-Trees for the Snails ; theyftick commonly fomewhat above the fruit: pull not off what is bitten; for then theywill certainly begin afref. 5 ¢ Hath Days uymeh xxxis 9 ks, and other lignows Plants and Flowers : From hencefo rth OwLettuce, Radifh, vc. to have tender falletting. and Peaches, faving as many of the young likelieft fhoots as are well placed 5 & ; J UL Y To be done In the Parterre, and Flower-Garden. To be done Sowlater Peafé to be ripe fix weeks after Michaelmas. Water youngplanted Trees, and Layers, cc. and reprune now Abricots, HORTENS &, to eftablith to Mich aelwas yout alfa lay Gill;flowers, and Carnations for Increaf e, leaving not above two, orthree * flowers, and nippingoff fuperfltious buds, with Support s, cradles, canes, or boo, r; themagainft winds, and deftroy Earwias, The Layers will (in a month or fix weeks ) ftrike root, being planted in light loamycarth, imixwi th excellent rotten foil and fifted : plane fix, or eight keep them well from too much Rains ; yet water them in ina pot to fave roomin Winter + drouth, fparing the leaves: If it prove too wet,lay your pots fide-long’; but /hade thofe which Blowfrom the afternoon Sun, the former Month, Yer alfo you may lay Myrtils, Laurels, and other curious Greeti. Water young planted Shrubs and Layers, &c. as Orange-Trees, Myrtles, Granads, Amo= tum efpeciallys which forxb you can hardly refrefh too often, and he requires abundant compot; as do likewife both the Myrtle, and Granad-Trees , therefo Roots, or changetheir Earth, apply the richeft foil ((0 ic be fweet,re whenever you trim their and well'confum’ can tothem, &c, Clip Bex, &c. in Parterres, Knots, and Compartiments, if need d) you be, and that it growout of order ; doit after Rain, Graff by Approach, Inarch, or Tiocnlate Jafmines, Oranges, and. other your choiceft Shrubs. Take up yout early autumnal Cyclamen, Tilipi, and Bulbs Cif you will Remove them, @c’) before mentior.*d 3 Tranfplanting them immedia tely, or a Monthafter if you pleafe, and then cutting off, and trimming the fibres, (pread them to Ait in fomedry place. Gather Tulip-feed, if youpleafe : but let it lie in the pods. Gather nowalfo your carly Cyclamenefied, and foiit prefently in Pots, Remove feedling Crocus’s fow'd in September conftantly at this Seafom, placing them at widerintervals, till they begin tobear. ‘ Likewife you may take xp fome Anem mies, Ranunculis's, Crocus, Crowit Imperial, Perfian Triss and Colchicums ; but plant the three Jaft as foonas you have taken them up, as youdidth lamens ; or you mayftay till Augn/f or September ere you take them up, and replant ¢ Remave now Dens Caninus,&c. ke up your Gladiolus nowyearly, the blades being dry, or elfe their Of-fets will poifon d Fraits in Prime, or yet lafting. Apples. ins, Winter Ruffetting, Andrew-apples, Cinuamon-apple, red and white Juneting, the Margaret-apple, &c, Pears. he Primat, Rufeet pears, Summer-pears, green Chefil-pears, earl-pear, &cs Cherries Carnations, Morella,Great-bearer, Morocca Cherry the Fgriot Bigarreanx,&c, Peaches. Nutmeg, Habella, Pe rian, Newington, } tolet-mufcat, Rambouilet. Plums, @c. Primordial, Myr¢ , thered, blew, and amber Violet ,Damafc. Denny Dazafc. Pear-plum, Da > Kings-pluns, - Violet, or Che on-plurm, Abricot plune,Cinnamon-plun, 1, Morocco: plum, Lady Eliz, plum,Tawny, Dam afcene,& 55 Corinth 5, Strawherries, Afelons, &c. Latter ehdof Ful); fieft your Beds for Off-fers of Tulips, and all Bulbous Roots; alfo for é i ce, which will prepare it for reap/anting with fuch things as yout unge, or fet in the wakedearth till the next feafon; as Amaranths, Peruy, Capficum Ind. Nufturtium Ind, &c, that they may not lie empry, e Anemonies, keeping them temperatcly moilt. ff che withered ffalks of your lower flvers, @c. and all others, covering 2) with Brine, Pot-afhes, and Water, or a detotlion of Tobacco rea h " . ahs . oy tks, Oe, to deftroy both worms and Weeds, of which it will cure nm . > ° ‘ : 2 Flowers. in Prime, oryet lafting. ifphodel, Antirrhinkm,( ampanula, Clematis, Cyanws, Convolusliis, Sultana. us; Digitalis, Erynginm Planum, Ind. Phafeolws, Geraa Ws, Gentiana, Hefperis, Nigella, Hedyfarum, P raxinella, eand double, Nuaffart. Ind, Millefolium, Ausk-rofe, Flos Veronica mag: & parva, Volubilis, Balfam-apple, Holy-bocy c ve ill) DIflower, Scabiofa, 44 us facynth, Limonium, > ) i angium, Periploca Vi Jeanders red and v Flos Paffionis, |