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Show Ig KALENDARIUM HORTENSE. KALENDARIUM HORTENSE. rifes-o5%=18™ S _ Griles-05%- 18" Suns APRIL €fets.- 05"-42™ ; Hath Days Sun Bong 3h-2gn fets-0§ --42 3 XXX, Plant Artichock-flips, Oc. ¢ Hath Days ) pores age e XXX. Inthe Parterre, and Flower-Garden. In the Orchard, and Olitory-Garden. grafs, andall fine and tender Seeds that require the Hot-bed. Sow alfo Lettuce, Purflan, Caully-flower, Radifh, Oc. APRIL To be done To be done ‘Ow {weet Majoran, Hyffop, Bafil, Thyme, Winter-Savoury, Scurvey- 15 Oo Owdivers Annuals to have Flowers all Summer, as double Azarigolds, Digitalis, Del» phinium, Cyanus ofall forts, Candy-tufts, Garden Pan{y, Mufcipula; Scabious, Scorpoides, Medica, Holy-hocks ; Columbines, which renew every five orfix years, elfe they will degenerate, ec. Continue vem,and frefhHut-beds to entertainfachexotic Plants as arrive notito their perfe- Set French-beans, vc. and fowTurneps to have them early. You may yet flip Lavander, Thyme, Peneroyal, Sage, Rofe-mary, Gre. Towards the middle of this Moneth begin to plant forth your Afelons and Cucumbers , and fo to the laterend ; your Ridges well prepar'd. ; &ion without them, till the Air and common earth be qualified with fufficient warmth to preferve them abroad : A Catalogue of thefe you have in the former Moneth, after all Summer-rains. Open now your Bee-hives, for now theyhatch} look carefully to them and prepare your Hives, dc, ; ter rain. Set Lupines, &c. Gather up Worms, and Swails, after evening fhowers; continue this alfo Tranfplant fuch Fibrous-roots as you had not finifh’d in March; asViolets, Hepatica, Primrofes, Hellebor; Adatricaria, &c, Place Auricula Seedlingsin the fhade, Sow Pinks, Carnations, which you may continue totrimup, andcleanfe from dead and rotten leaves, vi%. your old roots: Sow Sweet-Williams, &c, to flower next year; this af Sow Lucoium in Full-Moon, fprinkle it thin, frequently remove them, and replant in moift weather the following Spring. Sow alfo yet Pinc-kernels, Fir-feeds, Phillyrca, Alaternus, and moft perennial Greens. Vide Sept, Now take out your Indian Tuberofes, parting th: Of-fets (but with care, left youbreak theirfangs) then pot them in * natural (not fore’d) Earth; a layer of rich mouldbeneath, and about this, natural earth to nourith the fibres, but not fo as totouch the Bulbs: then plunge your pots in a Hot-bed temperately warm, and give them no water till they pring, and thenfet them under a South-mwall: Indry weather water them freely, and expec an incomparableflower in Auguft: Thuslikewife treat the Narciffiw of Japan, or Garnféy-Lilly, for a later flower ; although that nice curiofity, fee only in a warmcorner, expos’d tothe Fruits in Prime, or yet lafting. Apples. p2 wet, Denxans, Wefi-berry-apple, Ruffeting, Gilly -flowers, flat ReiOre, _ Pears, Later Bon-creitien, Oak-pear, Sc, double Blofom, Gre, South, without any removal at all for many years, has fometimesprofperedbetter: the protuberantfangs of the Yucaare to be treatedlike the Tuberofes, Make much of this precious Direction. * Vide May. Sct outand expofe Flos Cardinalis ; Slip, and fet Marums: Water Anemonics, Ranuncalus’s, and Plants in Pots and Cafes once in two three days, if drouth require it. But carefully protec from violent /forms of Rain, Hail, and to the too parching darts ofthe Sun, your Pennach’d Tulips, Ranunculus, Anemonies, Adricula’s, covering them with Matraffes (apported on cradles of hoops, which have now in readinefs, Now is the Seafon for you to bring the choice andtender jhrubs, @c, out of the Confervatory ; fuch as you durft noc adventure forth in March: let it bein a fair day; only your Orange-trees may remain in the boufe till May,.to prevent all danger. You may nowgraffthefe tenderfhrubs, ce. by Approach, viz. Oranges, Lemmons, Pomegranads, Jafmins, oc. Now, towards the end¢ : , you may 7ranfplant, and Remove your tender shrubs, Oc. as Spanifh Falmins, Myrtles, Oleanders, young Oranges, Cyclamen, P megranads,@c. But firft let them begin to fpromt; placing them a fortnight in the fhade: but about London it may bebetter to defer this work till mid-Aagu(t: Vide allo May , from whence take Dire€tions howtorefrefh and trim them: Prune now your Span sini two of the ftock: but firft fee ic begin to fhoot. Mow Carpet ee. Towards the end (if the cold wind. paft ) and efpecially after (hos Alaternus, Cypreft, Box tyls, Barba Jovis, and othertonfilé fhrubs, &¢ vers in Prime, or yet lafting. ula Urfi, Chama.iris, Crown Imperial, Caprifolinm, Cy~ 1 pericum frutex, double ‘ Flotence- Iris, cuf hire, double and common, Enylifh double: Primrofe, Com(lips, Palfatilla, L nunculus’s of Tripoly, white Vialets, Adusk.Grape-flomer, Geranium, taria Lutes, Leucoium,' Perfian Lillies, Ponies, doub] fam iria, Perfian Ja{mine, Acanthus, Lilac, R femary, Cherries, Wall! 005, White-thorn, Arbor Judé blofloming, oe t |